Cate Hart
Literary Agent
Harvey Klinger Literary Agency
Literary Agent at Harvey Klinger. YA author. Kid wrangler. Galactic Princess. Addicted to the Foo Fighters. Need More Cowbell!

Cate Hart
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Harvey Klinger. YA author. Kid wrangler. Galactic Princess. Addicted to the Foo Fighters. Need More Cowbell!
31 Queries
13 Tips
Hannah VanVels @hannahvanvels
Also, I'd love to get a YA OCEAN'S ELEVEN. Someone write a heist story with teen characters and send to me! #YA #MSWLSend to me so I can send to @hannahvanvels #MSWL even better YA Oceans 8…

Cate Hart
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Harvey Klinger. YA author. Kid wrangler. Galactic Princess. Addicted to the Foo Fighters. Need More Cowbell!
31 Queries
13 Tips
Shannon/S.A. Chakraborty @SAChakrabooks
Please....if a POC #ownvoices author even writes a Mission Impossible-esqe heist novel involving people breaking into the British Museum to recover their stolen treasure, I will help you write a query letter and blurb your book and push it into people's hands.Into my grabby hands #MSWL

Cate Hart
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Harvey Klinger. YA author. Kid wrangler. Galactic Princess. Addicted to the Foo Fighters. Need More Cowbell!
31 Queries
13 Tips