Sarah Grill
St. Martin's Press
Associate Editor @StMartinsPress. she/her. Avid dog-spotter and Chicago native. Opinions my own but deep dish is better than thin crust.
Updated my #MSWL page! This fall (HOW IS IT ALREADY FALL!!) I'm especially looking for (agented) sharply funny fiction, heartfelt contemporary YA, and diverse thrillers & suspense.…
Just listened to the @MyFavMurder podcast about Juliane Koepcke and holy #MSWL. Please give me a thriller in dual timelines about a woman surviving a plane crash in the Amazon and then decades later GOING BACK with a documentary crew
Just thinking how much I’d love to get a Jewish YA that is NOT centered on the Holocaust. Give me a Birthright thriller!! A Camp Chi summer romance! A Hillel set-up gone wrong!! And the more food descriptions, the better. Please & thank you #mswl #amediting
In all seriousness, very proud to be a part of @StMartinsPress. Agents, please send me your gut-punching book club fiction, upmarket thrillers and mysteries, investigative journalism, pop culture, and true crime!! #mswl #publishing #amediting