Sarah Grill
St. Martin's Press
Associate Editor @StMartinsPress . she/her. Avid dog-spotter and Chicago native. Opinions my own but deep dish is better than thin crust.
#MSWL coming of age stories that flirt with danger, suspense, and death. Juicy adult novels that explore the sinister side of friendships, relationships, and lost innocence (bonus points for alternating timelines). See: THE GIRLS, MY DARK VANESSA, YOU WILL KNOW ME, SECRET HISTORY
Updated my #MSWL page! This fall (HOW IS IT ALREADY FALL!!) I'm especially looking for (agented) sharply funny fiction, heartfelt contemporary YA, and diverse thrillers & suspense.…
Also, here's a handy #MSWL! Eager for book club fiction, suspense, contemporary YA, and diverse voices.… Please note: unless I directly request something and outside of #PitMad, I am only accepting agented submissions!