Sharon Pelletier
Literary Agent
Dystel, Goderich & Bourret
Lit agent at @DGandBTweets | ranch dressing enthusiast | besotted aunt | prologue assassin | plant mom | she/her

Literary Agent
Cooper Fleishman @_Cooper
Important update from mom high-stakes, well-paced stories like this thread

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Sharon Pelletier @sharongracepjs
#MSWL friendships gone bad, twisted colleagues, dark sisters... I want unpleasantness that brings suspense as it slowly turns more sinisterSTILL THIS. Especially the sisters. Or maybe in the workplace! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Jennifer Johnson-Blalock @JJohnsonBlalock
Keep the great women's fiction coming: I love thoughtful upmarket AND fun commercial, but I'd love diversity / #ownvoices in the genre #MSWLSAME HERE!
Query us both and we'll arm-wrestle for it ;) #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Sharon Pelletier @sharongracepjs
#MSWL: Closed community tensions/bonds like boarding school, summer camp, island, cult; would love to see you do the same for homeschool!(NOTHING is as fraught w/ disorder, emotion, magical thinking as a long-running homeschool group! I can say that - was in one K-12! #MSWL)

Literary Agent
Sharon Pelletier @sharongracepjs
#MSWL: I'd also <3 vibrant historical fiction like THE LIGHT BETWEEN THE OCEANS or Beatriz Williams (but no WW2 please! I have WW2 fatigue)#MSWL: Closed community tensions/bonds like boarding school, summer camp, island, cult; would love to see you do the same for homeschool!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Sharon Pelletier @sharongracepjs
#MSWL: FRESH suspense! Enough alcoholic embittered cops, ex-cops,lawyers or ex-lawyers. Bring me eerie normalcy, smiles pasted over poison.#MSWL friendships gone bad, twisted colleagues, dark sisters... I want unpleasantness that brings suspense as it slowly turns more sinister

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#MSWL ruined my own tweet 🙄 meant to say NO MORE alcoholic embittered cops lawyers etc…

Literary Agent
#MSWL: and while I <3 reality-based suspense w/ dark twists, I have a really hard time being in the perspective of a rapist or family abuser