Michelle Lindo Rice
Literary Agent
Lit.Agent @LCSLiterary - AALA and SCBWI member querymanager.com/query/LCSLiteraryServices R, WF Author. Editor. AKA @ZoeyMJackson

I am in the mood for a really emotional literary fiction read. #MSWL . I want a character who stays with me long after the story has ended.

Michelle Lindo Rice
Literary Agent
Lit.Agent @LCSLiterary - AALA and SCBWI member querymanager.com/query/LCSLiteraryServices R, WF Author. Editor. AKA @ZoeyMJackson

Excited to announce that September 1st, I'll be a Literary Associate with @OlswangerLiterary and I am open to queries. You can check out my MSWL before submitting. manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/mich…
#MSWL #literaryagent