Kayla Lightner
Literary Agent
Ayesha Pande Literary
Rights Manager+ Agent @ Ayesha Pande Literary. Words in @PitheadChapel, @PhoebeJournal, @anotherchimag, & elsewhere.

Literary Agent
Open to queries starting today! Updated #MSWL is below: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kayla-lightner/

Literary Agent
In honor of #MSWL day! I'd especially love to see more:
🌟Literary Speculative fiction with grit + heart
🌟Funny + incisive Book Club Fiction
🌟Deeply reported Narrative Nonfiction
🌟Gen-Z oriented Practical Nonfiction (about work, wellness, or money)

Literary Agent
Kayla Lightner @LightnerKayla
Seeing the trailer for a horror film about a Black woman at a PWI with scenes shot **at the PWI I attended** is a whole 'nother level of uncanny 🥴🥴🥴 twitter.com/nowscreamingpv…Like, yes #mswl...but also I need to go lay down😅

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Kayla Lightner @LightnerKayla
Hello lovely #amwriting and #amquerying community! I will be closed to queries starting Monday, 3/22. I look forward to seeing your work when I re-open in the summer☀️😎Hello lovely #amwriting and #amquerying community! My quick lil' spring hiatus has come to an end! I'll be back open to queries starting 6/7. My ✨updated✨ #mswl is below. I can't wait to see your work!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Hi #amwriting and #amquerying community! After a bit of a hiatus, I’ll be opening to queries next Friday, 11/20! 🥳🎉🎊
If you got any good stuff that aligns with my #MSWL, send it my way:

Literary Agent
This sounds like the beginnings of a book that I would love to read #mswl

Literary Agent
Kayla Lightner @LightnerKayla
It had everything I love: an unapologetically ruthless female protag; messy royal family drama; non-Eurocentric inspired mythology. But because I wasn’t an agent at the time, I couldn’t offer rep. I STILL THINK ABOUT IT TO THIS DAY(2/3)And so I am throwing my hopes into the Twitter void and seeing what comes back! #amquerying folks and #writingcommmunity, if this sounds like a project you are working on, send it my way😊

Literary Agent
Kayla Lightner @LightnerKayla
Ok, so...screw it. This is part #MSWL, part “the Manuscript that got away”. In 2018 someone sent a fantasy ms to one of our associates about a female protag. who was competing against her 4 older brothers to be named her dictator father’s successor (1/3)It had everything I love: an unapologetically ruthless female protag; messy royal family drama; non-Eurocentric inspired mythology. But because I wasn’t an agent at the time, I couldn’t offer rep. I STILL THINK ABOUT IT TO THIS DAY(2/3)

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Have finally updated my #mswl! #amquerying writers should take a look and then send me what ya got😊: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kayl…