Stacy Whitman
Tu Books
Founder & publisher of @tubooks, an imprint of @leeandlow. Diversity in SFF, mystery, GNs & more for kids & teens. K-dramas. And cats. Opinions my own.

#MSWL (when we re-open for unsolicited subs, or for a #NewVisionsAward entry, or agented subs): a YA novel that digs into this history. Perhaps a dual narrative of someone from that time period and someone from the present? I'm not sure.…

#MSWL for a graphic novel or upper MG/young YA novel.…

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
Rewatching the 90s MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING and what hits me every time is that I forget that the plot revolves so much around the accusation of Hero not being a virgin. The parts I remember are the running around conspiring to make Benedic and Beatrice fall in love w/ each other.I've often said I'd LOVE a YA retelling of Much Ado, and I stand by that, but I'd love a feminist reclaiming of it, too. That's a #MSWL, by the way--YA graphic novel retelling of Much Ado about Nothing starring modern-day POC teens. What would such a retelling look like?





Quressa "Tryna be the Beyanna of Agents" Robinson @qnrisawesome
Speaking of Shakespeare, wouldn't mind seeing a modern take on MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING or MIDSUMMERS NIGHT'S DREAM in a YA contemporary or YA/Adult Fantasy.Much Ado about Nothing has been my favorite Shakespeare since the 4th grade. I wonder what it would look like set in a high school. Definitely a #MSWL. Must star IPOC.

Tu Books @tubooks
Seriously, writers: if you can write this, this is a serious #MSWL. Must be either MG or YA, could be graphic novel or novel. Or even nonfiction, if you want to tackle the real-world facts of this. #submissions #amwriting #YAlit #MGlit…Totally serious. Preferably POC writers from related cultures. #MSWL

S.I. Rosenbaum @sirosenbaum
@RoanhorseBex Every time one of these books shows up, I think about the fantasy novels and alt.history books that could be written from a Native POV. There's so much space there. And instead we get this.FYI, #MSWL re: the good stuff you're talking about, for MG and YA.

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
@Ebonyteach For example, people who lived in this community:…And yes, #MSWL, that's for you to send to me. Looking for something set in the time period for MG or YA.

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
I have a hard time telling a good fit for me from a pitch anyway, so check out sub guidelines #DVpit…What I'm looking for: MG/YA novels & graphic novels starring POC. Check out any #MSWL tweets from me & sub guidelines for more info. #DVpit

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
Adding to this: Thinking abt Pacific Islander stories in particular--big gap there in general, but large # of PIs are Mormon. <cont>Would love to see that intersection in MG/YA stories. Point being: intersection of identity, faith & genre can make awesome stories. #MSWL

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
The predominant language spoken in the LDS Church is Spanish. I would love to see a #YA starring a South American LDS teen #MSWLSo much potential for stories we don't see in MG/YA. Just as we see Jewish, Catholic, Evangelical POVs, we need Mormon POVs. #MSWL

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
Most of my BYU roommates were POC, from other countries but also US. While majority of US Mormons are white, majority of church is POC.The predominant language spoken in the LDS Church is Spanish. I would love to see a #YA starring a South American LDS teen #MSWL

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
Obviously the point is to tell a STORY first. But when we sell into schools they also wonder how books support learning. #MSWLWhen looking at MG/YA fiction, that means what about the story sparks discussion? #MSWL

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
Particularly looking for #ownvoices Pacific Islander/Pasifika stories for #NewVisionsAward & beyond in MG/YA both novel/graphic novel #MSWLNow, specifically what that looks like as far as stories go, institutional appeal is a broad brush. That might mean many things. #MSWL

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
Always a good thing to go to our website & look at what we've published and show in your cover letter how your book fills in gaps #MSWLParticularly looking for #ownvoices Pacific Islander/Pasifika stories for #NewVisionsAward & beyond in MG/YA both novel/graphic novel #MSWL

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
What I'm actively looking RN for #NewVisionsAward & more: diverse MG/YA novel/graphic novel w/ strong school/institutional appeal>Particularly Native American, Muslim, Latinx w/ heritage from South America/Central America (set there or in US) #MSWL

Rebecca Roanhorse @RoanhorseBex
If you wanted a crime thriller on the rez, Erdrich's The Round House would be devastating. I'd watch that x10000.Related, I've had a mystery-solving Indigenous MG or YA on my #MSWL for a while, because yes.