KT Literary

Literary Agency



Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!

Chelsea Hensley
Literary Agent
Associate Agent @ktliterary . Probably watching Golden Girls. Chaotic neutral. She/her.
Kelly Van Sant
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Contract Maven at KT Literary (QueryManager.com/kellyvansant). A mind at work. I'm a witch, and I'm hunting you. She/her
70 AskAgent
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44 Tips
Renee Nyen
Literary Agent
kt literary. Wife. Mom. Podcaster. Lover of mountains, seltzer, and plants. Black Lives Matter. She/her
20 AskAgent
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Literary Agent
Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
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Literary Agent
Kari Sutherland
Literary Agent
Agent at KT Literary; Book Lover; Parent; Co-author of The Menagerie series; (Former) Traveler. Jigsaw Puzzler. Veronica Mars extra. She/her
17 AskAgent
Literary Agent
Savannah Brooks
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @ktliterary & U of MN pub and lit lecturer (opinions my own) // I believe books make people better people // she/her 🏳️‍🌈
2 Tips
Literary Agent
Laurel Symonds
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @ktliterary (closed to queries). I tweet about books and desserts in equal measure. My dog is the best office assistant ever. She/her
1 Tips
Literary Agent
Maria Napolitano
Literary Agent
feta cheese connoisseur. punctuation enthusiast. carnivorous plant mom. like pheidippides, but slow. international book person of mystery. she/her.
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Vanessa @vanessaepeay

I've seen writers who have more than one agent. How does that work out? #askktlit

They may have had diff agents at diff times, or diff agents for film and book, but multiple agents concurrently for books is rare. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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kaycee!! @crybabykaycee

Any advice for an aspiring author under the age of 18 looking to get an agent? #AskKTLit

Know, however, that's there no curve for age. Your manuscript needs to be as good as adult writers' work to be published. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Vanessa @vanessaepeay

Hypothetically if I have 3 fulls with agents and one gets back with offer. How do I inform the agent? #AskKTLit

Email the other agents considering the book that you have an offer of representation, &ask them to get back to you w/in set time. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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If you want to submit your query to our About My Query posts, check out the submission guidelines here: ktliterary.com/2016/09/ask-da… #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Kristi Adams @KAdamsBooks

What are subsidiary rights? And are there typical/common traits of ms's that tend to go to auction? #AskKTLit

SubRts can be a nice additional stream of income, but they usually assume a good deal with a publisher first, and a nice success. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Kristi Adams @KAdamsBooks

Advice for those w/writing interests in several genres? Could someone be successful in multiple genres? #AskKTLit

You've got to query on one book at a time, but ideally, you're querying agents who rep all the genres you write. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Shanna Miles @srmilesauthor

@HannahFergesen @DaphneUn Do they have the decency to use your name?

Nope, those are usually the "Dear Agent" queries. That's often how you can tell. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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B. Crain @BCrainbooks

#AskKTLit What is the cardinal sin of query letters? Thank you.

For me, it's being cc'ed on the same query to multiple agents. Every other query I answer, those get trashed unread. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Kirtida Gautam @KirtidaGautam

@DaphneUn Can I re-requery another agent in the same agency after major revisions?

You can! We don't usually compare notes at the query stage, although we do discuss manuscripts under submission. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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