Maria Napolitano

Literary Agent

KT Literary

feta cheese connoisseur. punctuation enthusiast. carnivorous plant mom. like pheidippides, but slow. international book person of mystery. she/her.

Maria Napolitano
Literary Agent
feta cheese connoisseur. punctuation enthusiast. carnivorous plant mom. like pheidippides, but slow. international book person of mystery. she/her.
Maria Napolitano
Literary Agent
feta cheese connoisseur. punctuation enthusiast. carnivorous plant mom. like pheidippides, but slow. international book person of mystery. she/her.

Ok, I know I just posted a #mswl tweet but what I actually planned to do this week was announce I am closing to #queries on July 1!

I’m grateful for all the queries I’ve received already - once I make a serious dent in my query/reading pile, I’ll open back up. #amquerying

Maria Napolitano
Literary Agent
feta cheese connoisseur. punctuation enthusiast. carnivorous plant mom. like pheidippides, but slow. international book person of mystery. she/her.

Down in the queensbound N tunnel of the 57th st/7th ave subway, there is a massive growth of moss clinging to the rusty, grimy walls by a service light.

That tension between lush/decrepit, organic/inorganic, growth/decay, creepy vibes/growth against the odds - #mswl pls!!

Maria Napolitano
Literary Agent
feta cheese connoisseur. punctuation enthusiast. carnivorous plant mom. like pheidippides, but slow. international book person of mystery. she/her.

One caveat: I’m balancing two roles and during book fair season, my workload will shift towards foreign rights (and existing clients). I may be slower, especially on fulls, in these months. But growing my list is a long-term process and a priority for me, so I’m opening up now 📚

Maria Napolitano
Literary Agent
feta cheese connoisseur. punctuation enthusiast. carnivorous plant mom. like pheidippides, but slow. international book person of mystery. she/her.

As some #amquerying authors have already noticed - I am open for queries!

I accept queries on Query Manager (not here). You can find info about my list and mswl on my website and the kt site.

I look forward to reading your work and to signing new clients this year!

Maria Napolitano
Literary Agent
feta cheese connoisseur. punctuation enthusiast. carnivorous plant mom. like pheidippides, but slow. international book person of mystery. she/her.

Some belated news: I have joined @ktliterary as foreign rights manager and agent! I am so thrilled to continue working in international publishing as well as with my own clients - it’s the best of both worlds for me ☺️