Rachel Stark
Disney Books
Editor of graphic novels, novels & IP @DisneyBooks ▫️ House Stark; more of an Arya than a Tony ▫️ Opinions my own; pic @JarrettWilliams's ▫️ gender’s a lie🤷♀️

#mswl inspired by a convo with @Emma_Dubin. Does anyone have a YA fantasy inspired by the story of Vashti? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vashti

Kate Brauning @KateBrauning
My next several sets of #subtips are going to be about sexual content in YA! Buckle up, it's gonna be interesting.This is all ama-a-a-a-azing food for thought, and #mswl to YA that handles these layers of sexuality (or asexuality) realistically!

beth phelan @beth_phelan
@petejknapp I think also @syntactics where are you::sniffle:: You get me, @beth_phelan. YA, feminist, diverse af Fast and the Furious in space, pls. #mswl

#mswl: A #SayHerName book to stand alongside the incredible YA novels addressing #BlackLivesMatter. By a WOC, naturally.

History In Pictures @HistoryInPix
A Muslim woman covers the yellow star of her Jewish neighbour with her veil to protect her, Sarajevo, 1941 pic.twitter.com/zuFVEJzXAoIt's #MSWL day so I'll bring this back up. Give me this as a YA novel, damn it.

Na'amen G. Tilahun - Witch of Dathomir @Naamenism
Now I want to write this YA -2 girls, musical theater rivals until they team up against someone else & fall in love. youtu.be/cLSdCLm92PM::raises hand:: ::is an editor at @skyhorsepub's YA imprint & would totally read this:: #mswl

OMG, I would edit the hell out of a YA lesbian hillbilly militia story. #MSWL