Colleen Oefelein
Literary Agent
Adventure Write
Literary Agent MacGregor & Luedeke Lit Christian Disabled Veteran PTSD warrior Penn State alum Also Author CM McCoy: EERIE Loves Irish dance, space & Pokemon

Literary Agent
~ ROMANCE - Contemporary Adult and YA
~ MG - Contemporary, fantasy, mystery/suspense/thriller. Humor a bonus!
~ YA - Romance (all sub-genres), contemporary, mystery/suspense/thriller
#amwriting #amquerying #writerslife #FridayThoughts

Literary Agent
Dear #WritingCommunity
😃I'm building my list😀
Send me your:
~ Fantasy w/romance (YA & Adult)
~ Contemp Romance (YA & Adult)
~ High-concept MG (series potential a bonus)
~ YA contemp fantasy / paranormal / urban fantasy
~ Any genre w/ loads of white space, no overwriting

Literary Agent
In YA and MG:
✔️ That quirky kid who cares so much about science and their "work" that pressures from social standings/social media never touch them. Humor's a must!
Sub instructions:…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#MSWL for #MG or #YA
~ A mystery or suspense involving painted rocks 💗
#amquerying #amwriting #amediting #writerslife

Literary Agent
#MSWL for YA:
~ a FAUST retelling
~ a plot that brings to mind Ibsen's AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE
~ Grumpy antiheroes who can't seem to be evil (despite how they try) / humor is a plus!
Query instructions:…