Christine Goss

Literary Agent

The Purcell Agency

Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.
Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.
Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

Aladdin— but make it romantasy with messy family subplot and LGBTQ+ #ownvoice #mswl

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

I would love a how-to mixed with memoir about farming. Be it a small mom and pop farm OR how large farming can operate in a sustainable manner. #mswl

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

If you comp YOU, WITH A VIEW, please query me. #mswl

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

If you comp My Tears Ricochet by T Swift, please query me. #mswl

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

A bit about me besides my cookie anecdote on my #mswl . Perhaps this will sell you on why we could be a good fit:

1. I played soccer growing up and in college.

2. I work on a vineyard with my family.

3. History was my favorite subject in school.

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

This book was a favorite of mine growing up. Would love a adult version that is written by #ownvoice (as I don’t think this was). #mswl

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

If you comp Happy Endings (if you haven’t seen the show go watch it now), please query me. #mswl

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

The Sea Beast, but make it romantasy. #mswl

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.
Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.