Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
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Stories full of secrets and dark twists like WE WERE LIARS #MSWL

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
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Give me creepy, whether YA or Adult. I'll keep asking for horror until I get it! Less gore and more psychological #MSWL

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
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Happy #MSWL day! I will be tweeting and retweeting some things I'd love to see in my inbox!

Please note that I am always looking to acquire titles by and about marginalized perspectives.

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
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Noticed I've been receiving more subs about the circus and let me tell you I AM HERE FOR IT.

Fun fact: I am a rope aerialist. I perform in circus shows often. After reading, circus is my 2nd way of escapism.

Keep them coming! I'm loving all these different takes. Forever #mswl

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
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Seeing a lot of YA in my inbox (which is great), but also really wanting adult projects to fall in love with as well. #MSWL

Check if we'd be a good fit!

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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I’d also specifically love a YA elevated beach read featuring a female/female romance subplot :) #MSWL

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
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While my mswl tweets have asked for a lot of doom and gloom recently, I'm also want some feel-good reads (a la DUMPLIN’ ) or a ms with a romantic comedy thread w/ substance and a fantastic hook. Sometimes I just want to cozy up w/ something that will warm my heart #MSWL

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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Finally framing this print I got a year ago. Looking for reads that continue to feed my goth girl dreams #mswl

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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I'm always wanting books with characters and/or premises that have a Tim Burton kind of flair #MSWL

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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A world where something we take for granted is flipped upside down. Think SMOKE! #mswl

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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A fantastical world with creatures inspired by Ellen Jewett’s sculptures #mswl

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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Unique magical realism with a tint of mystery a la BONE GAP #mswl

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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Literary horror involving a flower shop or greenhouse #mswl

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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Looking for lesser-known fairy tales reimagined and mythology, folklore, or fables from different parts of the world! #mswl

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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Young female protagonists that will always put their own needs before a boy (think FOREST OF A THOUSAND LANTERNS) #mswl

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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Give me a novel as grim as Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" #mswl

Dorian Maffei
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @K_C_Associates . Book artist. Reader. Cat aficionado. She/her. Header art by Maya Trifunovic.
10 Queries
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#MSWL Finally watched SUPER DARK TIMES! Give me a twisty horror! That was the most unsettling movie I've watched in a long time and I definitely did not see that ending coming...