Ann Leslie Tuttle
Literary Agent
Dystel, Goderich & Bourret
Literary Agent @DGandBTweets; specializing in women’s fiction/romance/thrillers and Middle Grade/YA. Former editor.

Literary Agent
#MSWL. Also love Middle Grade stories addressing need for kindness, showing characters overcoming physical and mental obstacles and showing inclusion. Love messages against bullying, being courageous and taking risks.
Welcome stories set in school, magic worlds and at home.

Literary Agent
#MSWL. Just finished Louisiana’s Way Home, and it typifies some of what I’m seeking in Middle Grade. I love the voice, Southern setting, eccentric characters, secrets & a fearless girl finding her way.

Literary Agent
#MSWL. One 2019 resolution is to expand my representation to Middle Grade. I love these books, especially ones w/messages of hope/inclusion/diversity that may also address difficult emotional situations. And ones w/fantasy/superpowers. Please query me at

Literary Agent
#MSWL. As women become more vocal about their experiences, I would love to find some narrative nonfiction that deals with motherhood and the often painful journey women undergo to realize this dream.

Literary Agent
#MSWL With all the Royals in the news, I would certainly welcome some romances featuring royalty.

Literary Agent
#MSWL One last wish--I've always loved stories with a medical aspect so would welcome women's fiction and romance submissions that have a medical aspect.

Literary Agent
#MSWL Would love to see more romantic comedies, especially ones with quirky elements and with themes involving royalty.

Literary Agent
#MSWL Would love to see more dark, atmospheric Southern Gothics in my inbox.

Literary Agent
So enjoyed Ruth Ware’s The Death of Mrs. Westaway. I loved the Gothic atmosphere and how the author adeptly worked the tarot card element into the story to make her heroine more memorable. I would love to see some Gothic fiction as submissions. #MSWL.

Literary Agent
Joanne Rock @JoanneRock6
The Allure of the Cowboy - a multi-author interview at Okie Dreams…—I would love to see some contemporary and historical romances featuring cowboys.

Literary Agent
My #MSWL is finally up, and I hope this means I will see more women’s fiction projects and romance. I especially love romantic suspense and am looking for an engaging Amish romance. I am actively seeking debut and established writers.