Rebecca Matte

Literary Agent

Bradford Literary Agency

Literary Agent & Contract Manager at @Bradford_Agents . NYC DOE Lawyer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.

Rebecca Matte
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Contract Manager at @Bradford_Agents . NYC DOE Lawyer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.
68 AskAgent

6) What I call speculative romance: e.g. romance in our world that also has a bit of magic. Think Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches.

7) Fantasy romance where the story is equal parts both, and the world and fantasy plot enhances the romance and vice versa.

Rebecca Matte
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Contract Manager at @Bradford_Agents . NYC DOE Lawyer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.
68 AskAgent

4) Magic systems based in something really cool!, or wave theory, or color theory. I don't know, surprise me!

5) Historical romance with anachronistic voice/elements. Think A Knight's Tale, or Bridgerton. Or Alexis Hall.

Rebecca Matte
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Contract Manager at @Bradford_Agents . NYC DOE Lawyer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.
68 AskAgent

2) Nerdy and hobbyist books! Can be any genre I rep (SFF Or romance). Give me your D&D, your video games, your theater, your woodworking, your metallurgy. Love it all.

3) Fantasy & SF that incorporates games -- rpgs or video games. Love the meta and dual narratives there.

Rebecca Matte
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Contract Manager at @Bradford_Agents . NYC DOE Lawyer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.
68 AskAgent

And, on that note: I open to queries on Monday, July 1. I feel like I should update my #mswl accordingly, but be prepared, it's a mish mash:

1) Romances with BIPOC, queer and disabled leads. I'm dying for joyful books that touch on real world challenges without dwelling.

Rebecca Matte
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Contract Manager at @Bradford_Agents . NYC DOE Lawyer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.
68 AskAgent

Friendly reminder to #amquerying authors: I open to all queries (within YA & Adult SFF and romance) on Friday, 9/1!

I’m in pretty good shape with numbers right now (I think 60 ish queries and 25 fills), and I’m excited to see what y’all send me!

Rebecca Matte
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Contract Manager at @Bradford_Agents . NYC DOE Lawyer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.
68 AskAgent

I know I'm not open right now, but leaving this #mswl for later.

All the books about libraries. Cozy library/bookstore romances, magical libraries, lost libraries, university libraries.

Like Addie LaRue, or Dr. Who's Library of the Dead. Or the AU!bookstore fic we all love.

Rebecca Matte
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Contract Manager at @Bradford_Agents . NYC DOE Lawyer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.
68 AskAgent

It is an actual crime that I finished @MeganBannen's AMAZING book The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy two days ago after a marathon night of reading until 3am and haven't yelled about it yet. A perfect fantasy romance, in my book. DEFINITELY a #mswl reference for me

Rebecca Matte
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Contract Manager at @Bradford_Agents . NYC DOE Lawyer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.
68 AskAgent

Rebecca Matte @RebeccaLMatte

4) Keep up to date with current trends/comps. I've seen a few queries described as "unique" with a premise that is reminiscent of a 2022 release. Obvs 2 people can have the same idea, but keeping up to date will give better comps and help you distinguish yours.

5) Finally, do keep in mind my #mswl for queries. I really only accept romance & SFF, and so general contemporary fiction is not for me, even if it features the type of characters/relationships that I like.

Thank you all for your amazing queries, and I hope this helps some.