Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

2/ PLEASE NOTE: any Romantasy queries included WITHOUT the link to the post I ❤️ will be deleted without reading.

Good luck!


Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips


#WritingCommunity & #MSWL

1/ I opened for queries today & requested no Romantasy bc that’s all I seem to get. BUT, if you still think we might be a match, shoot your shot below in ONE post. If I ❤️ it, query me under “by request” & include the link from the 🦋 pitch I ❤️ w/your query…

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

This is a shot in the dark, but I want a (or multiple) first-person narrative non-fic of someone who was a Black child integrated into a white school after Brown v Board of Ed. We too often forget how recent this was in our history & we also need reminding that Ruby Bridges was one of many. #MSWL

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips


1/ A female vigilante in vein of DEXTER, but make it a solid romance.

2/ Contemp Rom w/Indigenous MCs written by an Indigenous author.

3/ Something accurately historical centered around children at “Indian Boarding Schools.”

Reopening to queries on 2/20

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

2025 begins tomorrow, & the #1 thing on my #MSWL is #IndigenousAuthors !! I want it all but by Native American creators! Romance, Mystery, Suspense, Horror, Romantasy! Bonus points if you’re Cherokee, Choctaw, Dakota or Ojibwe! This is not a “token” for me. These tribes are especially close to my 💙.

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips
Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

As I’m thinking about my #MSWL for when I reopen, I really want some unhinged romance. Like Horror Romance or something with a vigilante “take down the patriarchy” vibe. Maybe a psychological suspense romance, though I’m not sure what that looks like. Maybe something dark or why choose.

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips
Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

#MSWL I'm closed to queries at the moment, BUT...I will ALWAYS be open to INDIGENOUS VOICES. This is a special passion of mine, yet I don't have a single Native American author or story. If this describes you/your project, PLEASE REACH OUT! I will open a link for any Indigenous creator (fiction).

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

Okay, #WritingCommunity …a new item in my #MSWL

Romance w/a plus size female lead who is comfortable in her own skin. And by plus size, I don’t mean a size 14. I mean a size 18 or 20ish. She’s not self deprecating, no dieting, but exercise—not for a guy but bc she likes it.

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

I'm going through queries and am seeing a lot of these in my inbox. I'll update my #MSWL , but generally speaking, I'm NOT a good fit for "historical" that lands anywhere after about the 1930s. If your manuscript lands in the 1960s, 70s, 80s, etc. I'm usually not a good fit.

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

Okay…I’m almost afraid to do this, but…

For my #MSWL , I would love a collegiate level or higher gymnast romance. But it needs to be authentic. If you don’t understand first-hand the blood, sweat, and tears of the sport, there’s a 99% likelihood you’ll miss the mark. IYKYK.

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

New on my #MSWL when I reopen is a paranormal mystery in the vein of @Ll20Victoria 's GHOST HUNTER series (Dang, I miss that series!) or @JulietBlackwell 's WITCHCRAFT MYSTERIES...but with a super-strong romantic will-they-or-won't-they sub plot.

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

I'm OPENING TO QUERIES on June 3rd & will turn over a new leaf by responding to all queries w/in 30 days. With that in mind, please take your time sending your query. If I don't get slammed in the first 24-48 hours, I'll stay open indefinitely! Hello, Anxiety!

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

greg cantwell @gregmcantwell

I recently finished a novel set in the world of sports. Any tips for finding agents who’d be interested in sports fiction?

Oh gosh, aside from doing a search for #MSWL , I’m not sure. I’m actively searching for (preferably) a high-level gymnast or diver who is forced to give up their sport due to extenuating circumstances and how they cope. But I’d be open to other sports.

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

#WritingCommunity I'm still closed to queries but will reopen in early May. Until then, feel free to take a look at my #MSWL and edit-edit-edit those manuscripts! The majority of my passes are NOT due to a bad concept but writing that still needs work.

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips
Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

I would love a sports romance in the vein of Jason and Kylie Kelce’s origin story. Make him a teddy bear like Jason and give him a playboy brother like Travis for a possible book 2. Bonus points if she’s a pro athlete, too.

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

Since I’m opened to queries, I’ll throw out something I’m interested in getting that’s not on my #MSWL : “accessible” fantasy like THE FOURTH WING!

Give me dragons or gryphons or other mythical creatures in a GROUNDED world that DOES NOT need a lot of world building.

Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
17 AskAgent
3 Tips

4/...If you're interested in querying me, please take a look at my #MSWL .