Catherine Hedrick Armstrong
Literary Agent
Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Literary Agent
#AmQuerying authors, a quick #QueryTip: Make sure you've researched the target wd ct for your genre. Too far outside the target is an automatic pass for me. Today I've read queries w/YA at 150K wds & Romance at 25-30K wds. Double check before querying bc I'm sure I'm not alone.
Literary Agent
Dear Querying Authors:
Please never send a batch of queries out to a distribution list or “newsletter-style” query to agents. I don’t think any one of us read those, and I hit the trash button without responding. #querytip
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: when querying an agent who is closed to submissions (which you should NEVER do without an invitation) AND you don’t follow sub guidelines, AND said agent takes the time to send a personal & kind rejection, DON’T email them back & call them patronizing. 🤬🤬 #amquerying