Cheryl B. Klein
Algonquin Young Readers
Editorial director, Algonquin Young Readers; author of THE MAGIC WORDS, HAMSTERS MAKE TERRIBLE ROOMMATES, & more; toddler mom. Opinions my own. She/her. #BLM
Dwayne @dwayne_media
just had an idea for a film. set in the honey i shrunk the kids universe. Guy gets shrunk down by rick moranis's shrink ray in his backyard... Spends the entire movie trying to kill an aggressive blue jay.. he has to forge his own weapons and armor, deal with loneliness, etcI *loved* HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS and would love to see them reboot it somehow. (Also a great premise for a fun middle-grade novel…. #mswl)
Cheryl B. Klein @chavelaque
I first read them in Dell Yearling paperback editions when I was 8 or 9, and I can’t wait to read them to Dash — especially THE SATURDAYS, set in NYC.And a contemporary MG novel like this, featuring a boisterous & loving POC family, is an eternal #MSWL for me.
carlydraws @carlydraws
@chavelaque What subject would you like to see more books about?A PB on the Atlanta washerwoman’s strike, or Pullman porters, or the Chicano rights movement; MG novels starring boys of color doing sports; MG or YA NF on topics of POC history #mswl
Coming late to #MSWL Day: Educational PBs that read like trade ones; character-driven MG; truth-telling YA; all of it diverse; #ownvoices preferred.
wendy wu 🇳🇬 @M_eazyyyy
Netflix just picked up a show centered around a single black mother who’s raising a black 7 year old kid who has superpowers, I can’t wait!! sounds so cool & I would love to read/publish the MG/YA version. #MSWL