Sarah Homer


Harper Kids

Harper Teen

Associate Editor @HarperChildrens and @HarperTeen. Loves libraries, live music, and binge watching cooking shows. Taller than you'd expect. Tweets are mine.

Sarah Homer
Associate Editor @HarperChildrens and @HarperTeen . Loves libraries, live music, and binge watching cooking shows. Taller than you'd expect. Tweets are mine.

After spending the summer swooning over Jasmine Guillory novels, I'm excited to expand my #MSWL to include contemporary romances in the YA space! Looking for fresh, substantive stories with a great hook and stand-out voice that pull at the heartstrings.

Sarah Homer
Associate Editor @HarperChildrens and @HarperTeen . Loves libraries, live music, and binge watching cooking shows. Taller than you'd expect. Tweets are mine.

I would love to read a YA contemporary with an incredibly strong friendship, a la Amy and Molly in BOOKSMART. Bonus points if the conflict does NOT stem from romance/love interest complications (between the friends or another character)! #MSWL