Masha Gunic
Literary Agent
Azantian Literary Agency
Associate Agent at Azantian Literary Agency / Open to queries / Always looking for new experiences
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Was rewatching Apocalypto last night and got a huge desire to see a #YA portrayal of Mayan Civilization in my inbox. Is that possible? Someone please send! #MSWL #amagenting #amreading
Literary Agent
Would love to see more contemporary #YA in my inbox in general! #MSWL #amagenting #amreading
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
A YA version of Broken by lovelytheband (the song, not necessarily the music video)! #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Recently discovered a love for barre classes...and would love to get some ballerina ya or mg stories! #MSWL #amagenting #amquerying
Literary Agent
Although I do want to see more stories in my inbox about witches in ya and mg, I'd prefer a low fantasy setting rather than high fantasy! #MSWL #kidlit #amagenting
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Can I please get a modern ya Gone With the Wind? #MSWL #amagenting #amquerying
Literary Agent
For YA: Enemies who end up falling in love (realistically) is a sweet spot! 🐍❤️ #MSWL #kidlit #amagenting