Elena Giovinazzo
Literary Agent
Pippin Properties
Literary Agent, more specifically, Vice President at Pippin Properties, Inc.
Elena Giovinazzo
Literary Agent
Literary Agent, more specifically, Vice President at Pippin Properties, Inc.
1 Tips
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Pippin Properties @LovethePippins
FAQ 馃惙 How do I query Pippin?Send full PB or 1st chapter of MG/YA in body of e-mail to
info@pippinproperties.com for @HollyMMcGhee /
egiovinazzo@pippinproperties.com for @elenagiovinazzz /
scrowe@pippinproperties.com for @saraagent /
lhelena@pippinproperties.com for @larilena
Our website is undergoing reconstruction (IT'S GOING TO BE GORGEOUS!) so in the meantime, the contact info for querying is below! You can also check each of our individual Publishers Marketplace pages for more info . . . #amagenting #mswl #amquerying
Elena Giovinazzo
Literary Agent
Literary Agent, more specifically, Vice President at Pippin Properties, Inc.
1 Tips
WRITERS! ILLUSTRATORS! I'm back open to queries after having been closed while on maternity leave. #MSWL top-notch MG, YA & PBs! #amagenting