Rachel Cone-Gorham

Literary Agent

RXD Agency

Here to read all the #Books πŸ“š #LiteraryAgent and #BookMarketer at RXD Agency. Subscribe to #TheMondayMarketer for weekly book marketing tips πŸ–€

Rachel Cone-Gorham
Literary Agent
Here to read all the #Books πŸ“š #LiteraryAgent and #BookMarketer at RXD Agency. Subscribe to #TheMondayMarketer for weekly book marketing tips πŸ–€

I'm ready to read! Where are my high concept, unputdownable, story driven manuscripts? Do you have a novel I can get lost in? Any genre of adult fiction that fits the bill (sorry no erotica). This #mswl is for the #WritingCommunity #amquerying authors. Send queries my way πŸ“šβœοΈπŸ’›

Rachel Cone-Gorham
Literary Agent
Here to read all the #Books πŸ“š #LiteraryAgent and #BookMarketer at RXD Agency. Subscribe to #TheMondayMarketer for weekly book marketing tips πŸ–€

I'm back for the writers 🫢 & looking for high concept fiction of all varieties... especially fast paced historical fiction, contemporary psychological suspense, un putdown-able women's, and you know, just your average literary masterpiece πŸ˜‰ send queries #MSWL #WritingCommunity

Rachel Cone-Gorham
Literary Agent
Here to read all the #Books πŸ“š #LiteraryAgent and #BookMarketer at RXD Agency. Subscribe to #TheMondayMarketer for weekly book marketing tips πŸ–€

Hello #WritingCommunity! New year, New #MSWL Send me your: high concept thrillersπŸ•΅οΈ, page turning women's fiction πŸ‘­, general fiction with a palpable romance 🫢, and life changing non fiction ⚑️