Alyssa Jennette
Literary Agent
I ask a lot of questions. Painfully earnest. Art school grad (MICA '10). Literary agent at @StonesongNYC. Silence is not peace.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
michelle lee @cupoflee
Hi if you* have a MG where our protagonist's parent is involved in an MLM, I would like to see it! #MSWL*agented only, please, and I am prioritizing marginalized creators
Hiiiii yes I would like this. Or an MLM-type scheme started by students at a middle or high school! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Melissa Edwards @MelissaLaurenE
To my friends in children’s publishing, I highly recommend having friends in education who will call publishing out for our failures always wanted an Disney Princess character in this vein, but I’ll settle for an MG novel ❤️ #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
michelle lee @cupoflee
if you have anything that comps to american vandal please let me see it I am begging!! #mswl…PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me the dirtbag teens #mswl

Literary Agent
Alyssa Jennette is closed to queries! @AlyssaJennette
Something I would really, really like is a project (illustrated, perhaps?) that revolves around big-picture understanding regarding the ways our economy is set up to prize profit and growth over quality, inevitably resulting in either collapse or exploitation. #MSWLFor no reason at all, I'm reupping this #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
selena @foldandgathers
does anyone have any book recs that are like Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but for the current era?#MSWL tbh—I loved these books as a teenager.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Saba Sulaiman @agentsaba
good morning to a new era of socially distant meet cutes
Literary Agent
“We’ve made prison a place of starkness, idleness, a place without purpose. Then we’re confused where people get out and they don’t make it. I think that is on us.”…

Literary Agent
Ginger Clark @Ginger_Clark
Hey, was there ever a BABYSITTERS CLUB volume where one of the girls had to deal with the parental aftermath of a key party? Like, Mr. Jones returns home with Mrs. Smith instead, and then someone has to drive home the babysitter in awkward silence?#MSWL, honestly.

Literary Agent
Max Read @max_read
I bet this was cool as hell… book set just before and during a situation like this would be amazing. Exploring the upending of an established landscape as both catastrophe and renewal through some human stories would be entirely my jam. #MSWL

Literary Agent
D.W. English @DarrinEnglish
@jpbrammer @maureenjohnson Jo: The brains/mastermindMeg: The insider
Beth: The safe cracker
Amy: The loose cannon
Marmee: The demolitions expert
Robert: The veteran called out of retirement
Laurie: The wheelman
Prof. Bhaer: The stranger no one knows or trusts
Aunt March: Claims she’s too old for this shit
I would be VERY OKAY with a lady-forward family heist novel thank you #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Ashley Reese @offbeatorbit
It’s been like 20 years and the episode of Hey Arnold where Mr Hyunh is reunited with his daughter who he hadn’t seen since the Vietnam War STILL FUCKS ME UP.The dream would be an MG novel or series (prose or illustrated) with the same heart, strength of ensemble, and essential setting as my favorite cartoon of all time, HEY ARNOLD. #mswl