Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
102 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips

I know writing a query isn't fun but I really need you to write one. When you send me 10 pages with just "Hope it makes you smile!", I don't know what I'm looking at or what set of expectations to put on the pages. #querytip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Gentle reminder: there's a reason it's called "social media" rather than "Book Buying Guilt Fest." Things need to change if your feed so much as slightly resembles the following. #MondayMotivation #PubTip

Marie Lamba
Literary Agent
Author of GREEN GREEN, A DAY SO GRAY, WHAT I MEANT..., DRAWN, and OVER MY HEAD. Literary Agent at Jennifer De Chiara Literary. My opinions are my own.
20 Queries
43 Tips
Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips
Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
116 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip following instructions isn't an arbitrary rule we set up just to sweat you. A lot of agents use keywords & filters to keep their inboxes organized, so when you ignore instructions your query can wind up in the wrong folder, in a junk folder, or automatically deleted.

Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
207 MSWL
448 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips

The problem with starting your query with a rhetorical question is that if the question doesn’t mean something to the reader it loses its impact.
#querytip #SlushInsight

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips
Moe Ferrara
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent @BookEndsLit . 🏳️‍🌈 Violinist | Cosplayer | Anglophile | Geek Extraordinaire | Corgi Minion | Wine Enthusiast | Coffee Addict | #TeamMoe
156 MSWL
117 AskAgent
35 Queries
68 Tips

It's a new year and all that but I can guarantee the one thing that I will never be looking for in my inbox: vampires. #querytip #pubtip #antiMSWL #JustCallMeBuffy

Lisa Dunn
Editor for @AnaiahPress and author of THE CHASMARIA CHRONICLES. Wife. Mother. Believer in messes made lovely. None of my metaphorical caps are for sale.
1 Tips

I've noticed that the amount of query space a writer devotes to his reasons for writing, the less likely I am to enjoy the sample pages. #querytip

Patricia Nelson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, representing YA & MG fiction (all genres), women's fiction & romance. She/her.
2 Queries
94 Tips

PSA for querying writers: please make sure you don't have your anti-spam settings up so high it's impossible to get to you! If my query reply gets rejected bc I'm not on an "approved contacts" list or similar, you just won't hear from me. 😟 #querytip

Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
13 AskAgent
298 Queries
525 Tips

WEAK character development in a pitch = "Two girls who are kids just like any other kid."

STRONG character development in a pitch = "Two girls with powers in a land that has lost its magic."


ex. from THE DOOR TO THE LOST by @JaleighJohnson

Greyhaus Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Literary Agent with the Greyhaus Literary Agency in the Puget Sound Area. Representing exlusively romance and women's fiction!
83 Tips

#pubtip. If an agent or editor rejects you, don't argue. Learn from the comments and find some place where your story better fits, or fix the issues we told you the story had.

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Just an FYI to all those querying me right now, my replies may be a bit later than usual since it's #PitchWars time! Trying to read as fast as possible, though ❤️ #querytip #amquerying #amagenting

Elana Roth Parker
Literary Agent
Kidlit agent w/ @LDLiterary . @aalitagents communications committee. Avid quilter. Still not Elena. Open to queries. She/her.
103 MSWL
3 AskAgent
196 Tips

Do not recommend addressing an agent as “Hi dear” when querying. #protip #querytip

Greyhaus Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Literary Agent with the Greyhaus Literary Agency in the Puget Sound Area. Representing exlusively romance and women's fiction!
83 Tips

#pubtip Make sure there is a logical reason why A) your characters would meet; B) your characters would ever have a relationship; and C) this relationship would last beyond the conflict in your story.

Kate McKean
Literary Agent
CLOSED TO QUERIES. VP at Morhaim Literary. Daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings. Rep’d by @Michaelbourret
35 AskAgent
115 Tips

How long does a book have to be? If you're wondering about word counts for whatever you're writing, look here: katemckean.substack.com #pubtip

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips
Anaiah Press
Anaiah Press is a Christian digital-first publisher that provides inspirational fiction for all ages. blog: bit.ly/2pmIkzE
1 AskAgent
60 Tips

Coffee with Kara: Prologues & Epilogues: The Good, Bad and Indifferent
ow.ly/PXp930nyq4a #PubTip #WritingTip #AmWriting #ACFW #inspy #AskAnEditor #AmQuerying

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

When submitting sample pages always submit the first pages or chapter. If you feel that material is not important to the book then it shouldn't be in there at all. #querytip

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Laura Crockett @LECrockett

It is NOT a negative. It won't matter one way or another if you mention in the query, but we will ask when we offer rep what you do for a living (out of curiosity, getting to know you/your background, etc). Publishers also work with your schedule re: promotion. #querytip twitter.com/jenniferdfowle…

Follow-up: if your background/experience plays into elements of the manuscript (your MC is also a graphic designer, studied biology, has a child w a disability, plays X instrument), that's HELPFUL to know in the query. It means you know what you're talking about. #querytip