Literary Agent
Delilah S. Dawson @DelilahSDawson
For today's #TenThings, let's talk about FAUX PAS WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO GET PUBLISHED. I used to think there was some mythical way to get blackballed from the publishing industry, but that won't happen just because you flubbed a pitch or had a typo in your query.Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Maggie Smith @maggiesmithpoet
Today’s goal: Accept that sometimes dismantling has to happen before you can build. As you look at the mess of life’s pieces around you, know that the materials you need are there. Start sorting: Which can go? Which should stay? How will you use them? Start now. Keep moving.Authors: this applies to your writing, too. #pubtip
Literary Agency
#pubtip Please do not over exaggerate your writing history in a cover letter. A) Not cool; B) We will find out; and C) It is the easiest way to a rejection.
Literary Agency
Same goes for your writing. Make sure you’re reading before you think before you write. Best way to understand your genre is to read it. #Writetip #Querytip (Found photo on social media……
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#querytip There are a lot of wonderful interviews and bios out there but--for me at least--the most up to date information on my wants/likes will always be at so make sure you check there before sending!
Literary Agent
erin clyburn @erin_clyburn
your synopsis should spoil the ending.your synopsis should spoil the ending.
your synopsis should spoil the ending.
your synopsis should spoil the ending.
your synopsis should spoil the ending.
your synopsis should spoil the ending.
Louder for the people in the back... #querytip #amquerying #amediting #amwriting
Literary Agent
Delilah S. Dawson @DelilahSDawson
For today's #TenThings, let's talk about MARKETING YOUR BOOK, especially as a debut.1. There's
2. Nothing
3. In
4. Your
5. Power
6. That
7. Will
8. Make it a
9. Bestseller
10. Write the best possible book you can
Just kidding. Kinda? Let's talk about it.
Must read thread. 👇#pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Sometimes people w/the least amt of "free" time are able to write more than full-time writers. Why? Focus. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Also? If you have an offer elsewhere, tell everyone who has your query/pages! They could throw their name in the ring or wish you luck. Don’t make me waste time reading 50 pages and requesting the full of something already repped. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
To clarify to a certain response 🙄 agents rarely ever ask for exclusives to your ms unless it’s an R&R! If they ask you to query 1 at a time, that’s bull. You are free to query as many agents (at separate agencies) as you want #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#Writers, when you query me Jan 2 and then withdraw that query on Jan 27 due to "no response" (though QM sends an auto confirmation of query), it tells me you have no patience for the industry and care more about yourself than the team you want to work with. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Classifying Your Fiction: Literary vs. Commercial #querytip #amquerying…