I just finished reading all the Canadian queries we got this last round. Here are my #querystats for the final CANADIAN submission round:
~50+ submissions received.
~12+ emails asking for more info.
- 0 (zero) offers.
I’m looking forward to reading more subs from 🇨🇦 next year.

Literary Agent
It's the end of the year, which means time for reflecting as I start goal-setting for 2022. I thought I'd share some stats for 2021 as far as queries, subs, clients, & sales, because stats are fun. #querystats #amquerying

Here are some #querystats:
👉 We got 300+ submissions in 2021.
👉 Sent offers to 5 authors, signed up with 4 of them. (3 in Feb, 1 in October).
Tips: Don’t take rejections so personally. Don’t call us gatekeepers. Write a query letter. Follow guidelines. Be patient. Good luck!

Literary Agent
How about a few #querystats this morning? I was open to queries 7/1-8/31, & in those two months I received 908 queries. I currently have 61 unread, 12 in the maybe pile, & 3 fulls to read (2 unfortunately much older than July). I made 3 offers of rep & signed 3 new clients!

Literary Agent
I spent many years not logging query data, but my 2021 goal is to be more organized.
Some #querystats: so far in 2021 I have received ~600 queries addressed to me.
I have requested 79 manuscripts to date (as of this wk).
I have offered rep to 1 slush pile project.

Literary Agent
1st week back to work & 1st week the @PSLiterary query box is open.
Some fun #querystats:
I got approx. 120 queries pitched to me specifically the past 5 days of the queries being open.
I've read 50% & flagged 2 for requests.
1 query I saw right away & requested directly.

Literary Agent
Since we’re nearing the end of the year, I thought I’d share some 2020 #querystats!
This year I’ve received (so far, I’m open to queries and still receiving more every day) 2,931 queries through QT. I’ve also received queries through email (mostly requests/referrals)...

Literary Agent
If you have a query with me: as of today I'm approximately caught up to mid-Sept & partial requests will be going out next week through our query manager. Thanks for your patience, as always!
#querystats @PSLiterary

Literary Agent
Happy August! Here's a few #querystats for July:
Queries received: 676
Rejected: 661
Full requests: 2
Offers of rep: 1
I currently have a few unread queries & 7 full manuscripts, & my goal for the month is to get through them all. Inbox zero for September! Wish me luck. 😬

Literary Agent
How about a #querystats thread for June?
I had a dip in queries this month, 536 total as opposed to 600-700 in the past few months. Of those:
Rejected: 519
Requested: 2
Offers: 1
#writingcommunity #amquerying

Literary Agent
10% had interesting pitches, but the pages didn’t connect with me. These are completely subjective passes
5% weren't for me—good manuscripts but not subjects I cared about, or styles I didn’t know how to represent

Literary Agent
Happy HollZABÉs ⛄️🌲❄️ @ZREllor
My 2019 #querystats (#amagenting #writingcommunity) say I had a 5% request rate. Let me break that down...50% of queries were auto-rejects. Incorrect formatting, no sense of market.
30% were good, but not great. Authors needed further development and practice to produce publishable work. Not ready for representation yet

Literary Agent
#querystats the oldest query is from Ocotber 12th. Just requested more manuscripts so that submitted number is going higher but the oldest one is from August 29th. Slowly but surely. Gotta break for lunch now. Then coming back.

Literary Agent
It's been a really busy summer so even though these look like low numbers, please know that I am behind but still in there. #querystats #queryupdate Oldest Query is May 25; oldest full is Feb 4th or April 1 depending on who you ask.

Literary Agent
#querystats I hit query 0 so all queries have been answered. Check your spam/junk if you haven't heard back.
I do have 14 requested manuscripts now to work through, and those go back to 1/15.

Literary Agent
#querystats I have 19 queries, earliest goes back to Feb. 12th.
I have 10 requested manuscripts, 2 fulls left from #pitchwars, and I just requested 8 more. So I am going to be busy lady between client work and reading.

Literary Agent
I haven't emptied my query inbox in awhile.
No wonder I'm running out of space...
That's about 10 month's worth. #querystats

Literary Agent
I finished my #WFWA pitch day reading. Look forward to reading some great material!
For anyone interested: There were about 90 pitches and I requested material from 15. #querystats

Literary Agent
Right now I'm reading queries from 12/12/18 and requested manuscripts from 11/25/18. I've got 12 full requested manuscripts and about 250 queries. #querystats