Kate McKean
Literary Agent
Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
CLOSED TO QUERIES. VP at Morhaim Literary. Daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings. Rep’d by @Michaelbourret

Literary Agent
I want to read YA that passes the Vito Russo test. #mswl

Literary Agent
Someone write me an SF novel version of this newsletter by @RyanFMandelbaum, except for it's a boneheaded far future city organization who releases aliens/cryptids/etc into their parks ecosystem.

Literary Agent
Katie Notopoulos @katienotopoulos
See this is why I don’t respect grad students. These idiots will see a vampire that’s been locked to the ground for centuries and be like “oh yeah let’s remove all that protective stuff, will look great in my dissertation” businessinsider.com/photos-vampire…
Literary Agent
🌱John Hyphen🚲 @JohnHyphen
not only is public transport free in Brussels, but they even have a bus called "Not The 48" which takes you to a mystery location if you're feeling a bit down or you just don't have anything to do that daysomething for other cities to consider pic.twitter.com/UCxw1rSNPT
#MSWL kids book

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Gothamist @Gothamist
"The apartments came with the [library custodian] job, so as long as someone was doing the job, the apartment was theirs." Take a look inside one of the New York Public Library's old, abandoned apartments. gothamist.com/arts-entertain… pic.twitter.com/YjUIJMWbDhI NEED SEVERAL NOVELS FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN ABOUT THE CUSTODIAL APARTMENTS IN NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARIES IMMEDIATELY #MSWL

Literary Agent
Sapna Maheshwari @sapna
nothing but respect nytimes.com/2021/04/22/wor… pic.twitter.com/qPyhndqqMcI would absolutely read a rom com about a couple grifting their company out of time off by getting married and divorced over and over again. #mswl

Literary Agent
What does an agent mean when they use the #mswl hashtag?
#amquerying #amwriting #WritingCommunity #amediting

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Erica Buddington ✨ @ericabuddington
#Thread:Aight so boom 💥. I see this house listing on @zillow. I recognize it immediately. I’ve seen it during my walks in Brooklyn. The price tag is WILD. I’m wondering, “Why is this so much $$?”
(If you know the house...don’t give it away until I’m done with the thread. pic.twitter.com/0bnmqFP3dX
#mswl oh yes (but not the part about the listing itself. Read the thread--it's amazing!--but you'll get it then)

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#mswl but from Viv/Emily's POV

Literary Agent
Jake Flores @feraljokes
Im sorry but Bill Burr’s accent in star wars implies some sort of space BostonI don’t need any more Star Wars books but I have to say I’m intrigued by “space Boston” so #mswl

Literary Agent