Literary Agent
#QueryFail = "I've written the next big New York Times bestseller and I just need your help getting Random House to pay attention to me."
Literary Agent
"I will make you money" #queryfail!
Literary Agent
Guys, just because I love dark fiction, it doesn't mean I can get past manuscripts with "whores" or "sluts" in the title. You should be ashamed of yourselves. #queryfail
Literary Agent
Huh. One email in the query slush pile is asking for an agent sell their house. #oops #queryfail
Literary Agent
Query addressed to probably every agent in the biz in inbox today. Haven't seen that for a while. Those are an auto-delete. #queryfail
Literary Agent
#QueryFail = "this is a young adult novel like WATCHERS by Dean Koontz"
ummmmm...nope. #genre #oops
Literary Agent
#QueryFail ="my book has werewolves which is self explanatory" NO it's not! Every fantasy has its own twist-show me what makes yours unique!
Literary Agent
Recvd query w/"Dear publisher, or something." If you don't know my name, much less what I do, then you really shouldn't query me. #queryfail
Literary Agent
Dear writers, I'm grateful most of you aren't like this jerk. Otherwise I would have closed submissions long ago. #agentlife #queryfail
Literary Agent
Tell me again how your work has no comparables and you're a writer not reader. #slushpile making me snarky today #dontwastemytime #queryfail
Literary Agent
I empathize with new writers stumbling on sub guidelines. But if you're such a newb, how'd you get my not-public email address? #queryfail
Literary Agent
A writer just called me spoiled for rejecting his work. Because that makes sense. #agentlife #queryfail
Literary Agent
I ask for a synopsis whenever I request material. So how is it I so often don't have a synopsis to refer to? #queryfail
Literary Agent
#QueryFail = "I've dumbed down my reading for the younger reader." ACK! NO! *sobs* #queries
Literary Agent
#QueryFail = "buy my book here then call me if you want to represent me"
Literary Agent
Don’t just throw in a diverse character into your query in order to “qualify” it for my list. #QueryFail #PubTip #CLAQueries
Literary Agent
An author tried to trick me into thinking I'd requested their sub. It didn't work. #queryfail
I know my #slushpile.
Literary Agent
#QueryFail - "Buy My Book Here. <<amazon link>> Call Me." #facepalm
Literary Agent
Ignored my sub guidelines & that I'm closed to queries, didn't bother to remove "fwd" from the subject. #queryfail
Literary Agent
#QueryFail = my novel transcends genre. #oy