Literary Agent
Teagan Dawson @TeaganLikesPink
@kaitylynne13 I appreciate this. My request would be that if you’re not trans and you want to write about us, it seems very advisable to work with/consult a trans person to double-check your representation.There are shades of grey to us that are just hard to grasp without living our lives.
Another wonderful addition. Don't send me LGBTQA+ work that hasn't been seen my MULTIPLE sensitivity or beta readers. Just don't. You should have these readers for anything you write, so please just do it. #amquerying #querytip

Literary Agent
It's a new year and all that but I can guarantee the one thing that I will never be looking for in my inbox: vampires. #querytip #pubtip #antiMSWL #JustCallMeBuffy


Literary Agent

Literary Agent
WEAK character development in a pitch = "Two girls who are kids just like any other kid."
STRONG character development in a pitch = "Two girls with powers in a land that has lost its magic."
ex. from THE DOOR TO THE LOST by @JaleighJohnson

Literary Agency
#pubtip. If an agent or editor rejects you, don't argue. Learn from the comments and find some place where your story better fits, or fix the issues we told you the story had.

Literary Agent
Just an FYI to all those querying me right now, my replies may be a bit later than usual since it's #PitchWars time! Trying to read as fast as possible, though ❤️ #querytip #amquerying #amagenting

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
#pubtip Make sure there is a logical reason why A) your characters would meet; B) your characters would ever have a relationship; and C) this relationship would last beyond the conflict in your story.

Literary Agent
How long does a book have to be? If you're wondering about word counts for whatever you're writing, look here: katemckean.substack.com #pubtip

Literary Agent
What Agents and Editors Look for in Your #SocialMedia #PubTip bookendsliterary.com/2019/02/13/soc…

Coffee with Kara: Prologues & Epilogues: The Good, Bad and Indifferent
ow.ly/PXp930nyq4a #PubTip #WritingTip #AmWriting #ACFW #inspy #AskAnEditor #AmQuerying

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Laura Crockett @LECrockett
It is NOT a negative. It won't matter one way or another if you mention in the query, but we will ask when we offer rep what you do for a living (out of curiosity, getting to know you/your background, etc). Publishers also work with your schedule re: promotion. #querytip twitter.com/jenniferdfowle…Follow-up: if your background/experience plays into elements of the manuscript (your MC is also a graphic designer, studied biology, has a child w a disability, plays X instrument), that's HELPFUL to know in the query. It means you know what you're talking about. #querytip

Literary Agent
Jennifer D Fowler @jenniferdfowler
Agent question - if a querying author has a full time job, is that a negative for you? Will you be more likely to pass because they won’t have as much time for promotion?#WritingCommunity
It is NOT a negative. It won't matter one way or another if you mention in the query, but we will ask when we offer rep what you do for a living (out of curiosity, getting to know you/your background, etc). Publishers also work with your schedule re: promotion. #querytip

Literary Agent
Penny Moore @precociouspenny
If you were agented before and you're querying new agents, please mention that you had representation in your query letter. Also, it'd be very helpful if you mention who your previous agent was. #querytipTo those worried that an agent might not want to rep you if you've parted ways with an agent before, this isn't true. I've signed authors who previously had rep. One of my best examples is the fabulous @nickipaupreto, whose debut, CROWN OF FEATHERS, comes out tomorrow! #querytip

Literary Agency
#pubtip When you have grammar errors in your query letter, you are already setting yourself up for a rejection.

Literary Agency
#pubtip Please keep track of your submissions. I just had to reject someone AGAIN (this was the third time).

Literary Agent