Literary Agent
Jennifer D Fowler @jenniferdfowler
Agent question - if a querying author has a full time job, is that a negative for you? Will you be more likely to pass because they won’t have as much time for promotion?#WritingCommunity
It is NOT a negative. It won't matter one way or another if you mention in the query, but we will ask when we offer rep what you do for a living (out of curiosity, getting to know you/your background, etc). Publishers also work with your schedule re: promotion. #querytip
Literary Agent
Penny Moore @precociouspenny
If you were agented before and you're querying new agents, please mention that you had representation in your query letter. Also, it'd be very helpful if you mention who your previous agent was. #querytipTo those worried that an agent might not want to rep you if you've parted ways with an agent before, this isn't true. I've signed authors who previously had rep. One of my best examples is the fabulous @nickipaupreto, whose debut, CROWN OF FEATHERS, comes out tomorrow! #querytip
Literary Agency
#pubtip When you have grammar errors in your query letter, you are already setting yourself up for a rejection.
Literary Agency
#pubtip Please keep track of your submissions. I just had to reject someone AGAIN (this was the third time).
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Please pay attention to submission guidelines when #amquerying. I ask for everything I need to properly review your work. If the query is nondescript, there's no synopsis *and* no sample pages, I don't really have anything to evaluate and it'll be an automatic pass. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Dahlia Adler @MissDahlELama
Things that feel like Must Haves but actually pretty much no one will notice if you have none:*swag
*business cards
Writers, you really don't need biz cards. Contact info should be on manuscripts/queries/emails. Handing me one in a pitch, separate from your work, means nothing when I get home and it's one in a stack (that gets tossed). #pubtip
#1 tear-my-hair-out pet peeve is working to craft and personalize a rejection letter only to receive a query for a new project within minutes ... and no acknowledgement of the first letter #querytip
Literary Agency
#pubtip Keep your synopsis simple. Focus only on the main storyline and don't obsess on the subplots unless TRULY necessary!
Literary Agency
“When pitching, don’t say there’s nothing out there like it. Embrace your comp titles. Know where you go on the shelf.” – Paula Munier #pubtip #publishing