Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#querytip Don't forget to tell me what your book is about in your query letter. Sample pages are great, but "letting the writing speak for itself" doesn't really work when it comes to querying. I can't judge the execution of your concept if I don't know what it is. #CLAQueries

Literary Agency
.@BookEndsJessica & @jamerrson are on @youtube quickly talking about author bios in your query letters. Need advice on that? Go watch! #querytip-- And do you need any other query advice? Let us know what you're stuck on and we'll help out! youtube.com/watch?v=RIeeQm…

Submission Guidelines Part I by editor @KaraLeighMille1
#AmQuerying #AmPublishing #AmWriting #ACFW #ChristFic #WritingTip #QueryTip #TuesdayTip

Literary Agent
Susan, A Graham @Grahamophones
Hello, I don't mean this to be mean (I really don't, I'm sorry), but please don't call me to talk about being agented. Our submission guidelines are on our website. If you have questions about submissions, you can email to ask, either at the submissions or info email. #subtip
Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Genevieve Gagne-Hawes @genevievejude
When submitting, standardize formatting in your MS: indents, margins, etc. It can be hard to read oddly formatted MSs, and given how tired our eyes get by day's end, you don’t want to risk anything that might be an instant turn-off. #querytips #amqueryingAgree agree agree #querytip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
JD Literary Agency @JDLitAgency
Happy Monday! JDLA is thrilled to welcome two new #litagents to the team: Ryan Eichenwald and Zabé Ellor (@ZREllor)! Learn more about them and what they're looking for at jdlit.com! pic.twitter.com/d0iU71IWwwWelcome to our newest agents @JDLitAgency! #querytip #amquerying #amwriting

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka
Slowly taking a machete to my query inbox. It is MUCH HARDER than I anticipated to give feedback to writers individually but maybe I can give a few tips here?I fall in love with characters first and foremost. All the other writing elements are important, yes, but you can win me over (or lose me completely) with your characters. So when pitching me, lead with them. #querytip

Literary Agent
Most writers are rejected (talent is a given) due to not knowing the tropes and word count for their genre. How do you learn that? You READ in the genre you want to write for publication. #pubtip

Literary Agent
To those #amquerying, if an agent rejects your current project, you can still query him/her with another project. Don't think the door is closed forever. All it takes is the right project with the right agent at the right time. Don't give up! #amagenting #pubtip

Literary Agent
Anna Sproul-Latimer @annasproul
Here are the three best ways to build a smart network of agent contacts: 1. get a one-month subscription to PublishersMarketplace.com and use their Deals database to see who's selling books like yours, then query those agents and impress them with your market knowledge.My colleague Anna dropping crucial knowledge on how to find and query agents

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
"As a concept this shows lots of promise but what is missing is the emotional aspect of the plot." I did the pitch surgery in this month's Mslexia magazine. Read my advice on this pitch for a Romantic Comedy novel #askagent #querytip #publishing #romcom