Literary Agent
Have caught up with all queries from my old submission form. If you did not receive a response, then please resubmit using my new querymanager form:… #querystats
Literary Agent
If you are going to name a person who referred you it might be wise to make sure the agent knows that person. 😳 Hint: I have no personal connection to this person at all
#SlushInsight #querytip
Literary Agent
Jessica Faust @BookEndsJessica
Wise words from an agent back when I was an editorial assistant, "I always make friends with the assistants because someday they will be the editors & agents I want to work with." #WednesdayWisdomWe all started as Literary Assistant, Editorial Assistant or other & it was there we made our first acquisition or signed our first author. One day, when an assistant requests your material, be excited. They are the future "big-name agent" you always wanted. #querytip
Literary Agent
If you include the words “my recently finished novel” in your query it makes me think you are sending me a first draft. 😳
#SlushInsight #querytip
Literary Agent
When starting with dialogue make sure it’s something that would make you want to listen in on if overheard somewhere.
#SlushInsight #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
A synopsis (not the pitch in the query) needs to show the beginning, middle and ending. (Yes, I need spoilers.) I need to see the story arc. If the synopsis doesn’t tell the ending, I question if the book has one, especially if it’s pitched as a series.
#SlushInsight #querytip
Literary Agent
Susan, A Graham @Grahamophones
#querytip #subtip You can query "dear sir or madam" if you want, "mr. or ms." but it tells me you didn't do your research. If you just query "dear sir" & there are no men working at the agency, you didn't do your research and are misogynist both. Throwing it out there.Literary Agent
Literary Agent
@kissedbyink this is a great idea for a blog.… #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
For fiction -- whether a children's picture book, a middle grade novel, a YA novel - don't write/pitch them as lessons for kids. This will = a swift rejection from me and most #literaryagents #amquerying #querytip #kidlit #amwriting @NJSCBWI
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Caught up to all queries sent before August 15th and all requests made before May. #querystats #amagenting
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
.@jamerrson & I sat down to make another video for @bookendslit and we bored ourselves so much we decided not to inflict it on you. So instead our #querytip video from earlier this week will have to suffice.… Enjoy!
Literary Agent
#QueryTip and request: Please double space your manuscript pages and use paragraph indentions with an easy-to-read font (no italics please). Single space can be difficult to read, and I want to read your work. I'd hate to miss you due to formatting. #amquerying