Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
The Tobias Literary Agency is officially open to unsolicited queries for the time being. Please see our Query Manager page at QueryMe.Online/TheTobiasLiter…. You can also find more information on our submissions page. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
As a rule, I don't mind nudging w/r/t partial or full requests -- I'm happy to tell you where we are in the process, especially after a month-plus. But a week is way, way too soon to nudge. #querytip
Literary Agency
With the release of @SanguMandanna's #ASparkOfWhiteFire right around the corner, @ericsmithrocks shares the query letter that won him over and why! #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
The book needs to fit the genre and stand out in both writing, plotting, and style. In other words, it can't be ho-hum--no book can whether it's #ownvoices or not. All books need to have something special we can sell to the reader #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Jessica Faust @BookEndsJessica
As you know I've been on the hunt for more #ownvoices and #diversebooks in nonfiction & fiction in mystery, suspense, thriller, upmarket & literary, & women's fiction. #MSWLBut I want to talk about #ownvoices & #diversebooks a bit more. Because writing just any old story with a POC or LGBTQ character, for example, isn't enough. The book still needs to have all of the things agents & editors & readers look for in any marketable book. #querytip
Literary Agent
Approaching an Agent at Conferences #querytip #conferences…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Jessica Faust @BookEndsJessica
I treat these last few days of summer like I do the last few days of the year. Things are quiet which gives me time to focus on what's next. What are my goals for the next piece of the year? How do I want to work? and What do I want to change?I recommend authors at all stages of their career start business planning now. How have your goals changed since the beginning of the year? What will you be doing differently? #amwriting #querytip
Submission Guidelines Part I by editor @KaraLeighMille1…
#AmQuerying #AmPublishing #AmWriting #ACFW #ChristFic #WritingTip #QueryTip #TuesdayTip
Literary Agent
Updated my FAQs page with my current #querystats:
Literary Agent
On Twitter, you can follow all of our agents, but you can also follow the agency where you can easily find out all the details about all things BookEnds. --- @bookendslit #querytip
Literary Agent
Eight Tips to Make Your Pitching Experience a Success #querytip…