Quressa Robinson
Literary Agent
Folio Literary Management
I like good books. I cannot lie. MFA @ColumbiaSOA. Fire Nation. Agent @folioliterary @foliojr. Hella Bay. Lover of Dragons. Sith Rights. PW Star Watch Finalist

Quressa Robinson
Literary Agent
I like good books. I cannot lie. MFA @ColumbiaSOA . Fire Nation. Agent @folioliterary @foliojr . Hella Bay. Lover of Dragons. Sith Rights. PW Star Watch Finalist
135 MSWL
1 AskAgent
27 Tips

Quressa Robinson
Literary Agent
I like good books. I cannot lie. MFA @ColumbiaSOA . Fire Nation. Agent @folioliterary @foliojr . Hella Bay. Lover of Dragons. Sith Rights. PW Star Watch Finalist
135 MSWL
1 AskAgent
27 Tips

Quressa Robinson
Literary Agent
I like good books. I cannot lie. MFA @ColumbiaSOA . Fire Nation. Agent @folioliterary @foliojr . Hella Bay. Lover of Dragons. Sith Rights. PW Star Watch Finalist
135 MSWL
1 AskAgent
27 Tips

Quressa Robinson
Literary Agent
I like good books. I cannot lie. MFA @ColumbiaSOA . Fire Nation. Agent @folioliterary @foliojr . Hella Bay. Lover of Dragons. Sith Rights. PW Star Watch Finalist
135 MSWL
1 AskAgent
27 Tips
Sarah Guan @Sarah_Guan
Can you imagine an unfortunate young (born after 1945) Chinese vampire bringing home a Japanese boyfriend when the vast majority of her family lived through World War II? Now, that's a teen vampire romance I'd want to read!I would like this as well!!!!!! #mswl

Quressa Robinson
Literary Agent
I like good books. I cannot lie. MFA @ColumbiaSOA . Fire Nation. Agent @folioliterary @foliojr . Hella Bay. Lover of Dragons. Sith Rights. PW Star Watch Finalist
135 MSWL
1 AskAgent
27 Tips
YA Romance, please. #mswl The story behind the viral photo of Muslim and Jewish children protesting at O'Hare fw.to/Svfl7dV