Emily S. Keyes

Literary Agent

Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her

Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips

The herbalist shop on the way to the gym made me think #MSWL!

Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips

I'd love to see more people with chronic illnesses (like me), disabilities, non-neurotypical types writing their own stories in my inbox. #MSWL

Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips

Also interested in what it was like to be young Juan Carols being groomed by Franco and also accidentally killing your brother So I'm having FEELS about 20th century monarchs, I guess. #MSWL expatica.com/es/news/countr…

Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips

I watched one of those documentaries about how Edward VIII was a Nazi and stuff. And I saw him say "Bertie was a good boy it was that bitch he married [or whatever]" who got us exiled. And I was like "ooh I would love a fantasy book abut the bitch who exiled all the Nazis! #MSWL

Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips

I posted some longer #MSWL thoughts on my tumblr. If anyone cares anymore. esckeyes.tumblr.com/post/165294475…

Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips

This is my page on the #MSWL site if you want to know more about me. Thanks to @jsinsheim & @kkhendin. manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/emil…

Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips