Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
Literary Agent
Emily S. Keyes @esc_key
I want fantasy (ya or adult) about a woman leading a country or empire. How does she do it? How does she overcome those who doubt her? #mswlLiterary Agent
Literary Agent
Emily S. Keyes @esc_key
I always struggle to put words to my wants on #MSWL day.Literary Agent
I always struggle to put words to my wants on #MSWL day.
Literary Agent
IDK. I kind of want a book like "Lies My Teacher Told Me" but is all about misconceptions we have about America. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Stephanie Stein @stephlystein
@agentsaba You know how there's always a crazy story for Why We Have This Rule Now in sports? I want to know what happened here 😆I dare to say, #mswl, but feel Saba deserves first crack.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Emily S. Keyes @esc_key
Twitter, can you rec me some books where a character is bipolar and DOESN'T die? Like a YA "Unquiet Mind"?I guess I'd like one about someone recovering from an embarrassing manic episode. #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL Scientists flee totalitarian regime to newly discovered Earth-like planets. Then stuff happens. Haven't figured it out yet.
Literary Agent
A YA or MG about a kid opposing the school board or local official. Maybe about banned books. And family supporting him/her. #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL Why does the United States still let 12-year-olds get married? wpo.st/xL6b2
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Now I want a book about a badass squad of gymnasts that also save the world or solve crime or something. #mswl
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
This was my most recent #MSWL post. esckeyes.tumblr.com/post/139111809…