Erik Hane
Literary Agent
Headwater Literary Management
Founder and Agent, @HeadwaterLit @printrunpodcast with @lzats tennis writing at he/him
Literary Agent
I hadn't updated my actual #MSWL page since starting the new agency, but I did so today--if you're interested, you can find a more detailed discussion of what I'm looking for in submitted projects this coming year here:…
Literary Agent
In both F and NF though, I'm pretty open minded on subject matter. I mostly get excited about quality of writing and expertise; if you're a good stylist and can be trusted on the topic, we'll figure out how to make other people care about it. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Essays/commentary are probably worth calling out on their own. We're seeing all kinds of engaging work happening in literary NF right now and if you're as excited about it as I am, send me your stuff please #MSWL
Literary Agent
Otherwise, in nonfiction: culture essays, sports (as long as it comes with a broader non-sport ramification), history, science, all those upmarket NF categories. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Writers, hello
I fleshed out my #MSWL page. I added specifics for #litfic, #NF, favorite books, more!
Literary Agent
Erik ☃️ Hane @erikhane
I know those are "big" books but the idea here is an aesthetic or style match. #MSWLLiterary Agent
Erik ☃️ Hane @erikhane
Fiction that plays with time, form, or perspective: think David Mitchell, or anyone else trying something a little less conventional #MSWLLiterary Agent
Hey, so, I'd bet that 95% of my submissions are fiction. I really want some compelling NF proposals! Science, culture, essays, history #MSWL