Rebecca Sherman
Literary Agent
Writers House
Senior Literary Agent at Writers House. Dual citizen of the Midwest & NYC. Here to talk books, theater, & tennis. Former Gossip Girl suspect.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Sarah Watson @SarahWatson42
@RebeccAgent THAT'S AMAZING. I was in that Leno call for several minutes and totally confused before I realized I was in the wrong meeting. At least when it's a phone call you can just quietly hang up and pretend like it never know if this was a rom com, this would have been my meet cute. And...if someone tries to write this as YA where a teen signs into the wrong school's distance learning on the first day and meets a boy, I need to agent it... wth... #mswl

Literary Agent
In which my affection for Joel Gray only grows...
Playwrights, I am happy to read any Ghostlight YA, middle grade, or picture book manuscripts you write. #amagenting #mswl…

Literary Agent
Rebecca Sherman @RebeccAgent
Listen to those lyrics sung by and to a transwoman. The meaning is only elevated and deepened. They make more sense. They meet today. I haven't seen the show as a whole, but I can only imagine that casting people of color does the same.These choices apply to writing just the same. I am interested in inclusion that is just this purposeful, layered, and (as James Cordon so perfectly says) "beautiful." I want to see a YA with this Seymour and Audrey. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Jules Suzdaltsev @jules_su
I spoke with the only student who is visibly not comfortable with the “salute”, he provided this statement. a YA novel about a boy like Jordan Blue.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Mark Kelly @ShuttleCDRKelly
I used to have an identical twin brother. Then this happened....…Though I am not one for high fantasy or SF, I would raise my hand and say "me, me, me" for a YA set in the near future, back on earth that began with this sentence. #mswl

Literary Agent
The Public Theater @PublicTheaterNY
And while we're talking about Shakespeare/America/Revolutions, here is a fascinating story that happened right here on Astor Place! Check out this great @folgerlibrary piece about the #Macbeth Riot of 1849. (Sorry, no emojis) 😉👑.…
#mswl I have wanted a YA non-fiction or historical fiction about this event FOR YEARS.