Susan Graham

Literary Agent

Einstein Literary

would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew, pn they/them (agender)

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
122 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

#mswl - when I say I want a spy thriller for YA w/ a lady protag, I secretly mean Agent Cody Banks w/ a lady protag. For YA OR MG, not picky

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
122 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Now I just want to read a good lady spy thriller #mswl - great if the protag is not the only lady + female friendships or romance.