Allegra Martschenko

Literary Agent

Ladderbird Agency

University Press of Colorado

Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share

Allegra Martschenko
Literary Agent
Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share
15 AskAgent
Allegra Martschenko
Literary Agent
Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share
15 AskAgent

while the algorithm loves me—#amquerying writers I'm especially hungry for adult sff lately & will stay open to queries all year long.

Try me ( if you see something in my wishlist ( that calls to you!

A little #mswl thread (1/5)

Allegra Martschenko
Literary Agent
Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share
15 AskAgent

I can't look at #MoodPitch today 😞 but I'm going to list a couple random #mswl wants I've been thinking abt lately:

🍩 contemp sff in the vein of LIGHT FROM UNCOMMON STARS: gorgeous, moving, queer, making magic out of the ordinary
🌜 a ferocious, heart pounding love story

Allegra Martschenko
Literary Agent
Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share
15 AskAgent

Happy #MSWL day! I represent authors in the Adult, YA, and crossover SFF space. I am always looking for sharp writing, punchy characters, and big emotions. ☺️ Query me!

You can read my full wishlist here:…

Allegra Martschenko
Literary Agent
Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share
15 AskAgent

If you're writing Adult or YA SFF with horror as a subgenre pls query me I was reminded today of how much I love it #MSWL

Allegra Martschenko
Literary Agent
Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share
15 AskAgent

Ladderbird Agency @ladderbirdlit

Oh my! We've done it again and hired an incredible talent to join our team! Find out more about the delightful @AllegraMartsch at…

✨I'm now an SFF agent @ladderbirdlit & open to queries! Super excited to join such an amazing team— I look forward to connecting w/editors in Jan !!

While I remain at UPC acquiring nonfic, I always knew I'd get back into the world of SFF someday. 😊 Read on for a #MSWL thread