Allegra Martschenko

Literary Agent

Ladderbird Agency

University Press of Colorado

Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share

Allegra Martschenko
Literary Agent
Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share
15 AskAgent

Firstly, I know Querytracker says I'm closed but I am open! Just not quite open to absolutely everyone. Please query me (…) if you are:
—A BIPOC spec fic writer
—A marginalized writer w/one of my dream projects (see my website)
