Literary Agent
Literary Agent
An entire paragraph of comp titles, even more than a few, begins to feel like nothing in your book is unique.
It's a balance, familiar but different.
Literary Agent
Still catching up on queries, but looks like I’ve answered everything through May 15th. If not, then I didn’t get it and please try again. #amagenting #querytip
Literary Agent
Our talented @PSLiterary crew has grown recently!
If you're querying be sure to research our new associate agent additions:
Literary Agent
How I Personally Feel About Comp Titles in Query Letters (with the caveat that not all agents feel this way) #amquerying #querytip #amwriting…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Picture books are being bought now for publication in 2021, so if you're trying to hit an anniversary, keep in mind that pbs usually take 18 - 24 months to produce! #askagent #querytip #amwriting
Literary Agent
Don't break the fourth wall. Don't do it. Do not break that wall. A thread. #writingtip #querytip
Breaking the fourth wall (having the MC speak directly to the reader) is a very difficult thing to do in writing and should only be used for specific themes and voices. 1/3
Literary Agent
#querytip Thread
If you're going to use a comparable title that's epic (like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Shadow and Bone), you're setting the agent up to have huge expectations.
If you must use that title...
#amquerying #writingcommmunity
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#QueryTip for all authors struggling to choose a genre when #amquerying! -- A Rant: Authors MUST Define Their Work! via @YouTube
Literary Agent
#QueryTip – Research your agent in advance. Searching #MSWL posts and understanding what the agent wants will increase your chances of success. #amquerying
Literary Agent
Jessica Lewis is (finally) drafting again! @JLew100
As everyone knows, I’m depressed AF lol. But I think a lot of creatives are depressed as well, and it can be so tough for people with depression to break into the writing industry. It is NOT set up for you to succeed. So I thought I’d do a thread for what helped me with querying!AMAZING thread.
You’re not weak if you can’t look at rejections right away, or if you need someone to be your buffer.
Take care of yourself. Set boundaries. Your mental health is more important than ANYTHING pub related. ❤️
#querytip #amquerying #amwriting
In queries, if you have *very* disparate comps (made-up ex: Shakespeare's Macbeth and "Where'd You Go, Bernadette?"), try to explain your reasoning. Otherwise it's a red flag for me, in that the book doesn't seem to know what genre it's in. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Join @bookendsjessica, @bookendskim & @jamerrson as they discuss the 6 Things That Break Your Query Blurb #AmQuerying #QueryTip via @YouTube