Literary Agent
#QueryTip If you get a request for a full or more PBs, before you hit send, make sure your manuscripts all include:
(1) Your contact info (name, email, phone);
(2) Title;
(3) Page numbers; and
(4) Nice-to-Have: Pitch + your bio on the cover page for easy reference
Best of luck!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I am OPEN to queries!!! You can find my most up to date MSWL here: strictlytextual.com/agenting
#amagenting #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Here's a really kinda technical #querytip: For your synopsis, the first time you mention a character, you should ALL CAPS their name. No need to do this in the query, though. #writingcommunity
Literary Agent
#querytip for #pitchwriting Read your pitch to a friend Ask them to describe the story. If they can, you're gold. If not, rewrite, and check it again until they can. #amquerying
P.S. Ask what's not necessary in the pitch, then cut it. They can read the book for the details!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
A.M. Rose call me Ann @annmrose
#QueryTip: I heard a rumor that there's some advice floating around to close out a query as no response after 2-4 weeks & well... You should NOT. Unless the agent specifically says, they likely haven't seen your query yet or are still considering it. (Quick 🧵)Please understand it can take agents a long time to respond!
I advise all writers: check in after 3 months. If they don't respond within a month of check in? Make your decision then. Not before!
#amagenting #querytip #querying
Literary Agent
Since I'm bound to my couch for most of the next month, I'm avidly reading through subs so I can reopen my box soon! Keep an eye on those emails and thanks to all for your patience!
#amagenting #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Be aware of how you want to share your work with the world! If your work is already out in the marketplace (selfpubbed), an agent or publisher may be hesitant to take it on if you decide to query them later--it’s already been available for sale #QueryTip #iamwriting #Agent
Literary Agent
Check your links, because it can be a little worrisome when you give a link in your query that leads us to questionable or nonexistent websites.
#WritingCommmunity #writingadvice
Literary Agent
Joel Brigham @joelbrigham
In the end, that's what gets an agent interested. They want a book they can sell, and I don't think personalizing a query really gives them that in 95% of cases. Mostly, it's a waste of time for the person querying.9/?
Agree with this. Personalizing a query prob won’t help much. It’s going to come down the concept, writing, platform.
(But make sure the agent reps your category.) #amquerying #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Deciding between indie and traditional publishing? Check out this in-depth look at both paths from bestselling indie and trad author @ColleenHoover #pubtip #publishing bit.ly/2D8Jtn8
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Posting a query update:
I am trying to get through all of my queries by end of April. Then, I will be tackling my submissions after my surgery on April 21.
Hopefully reopening the box by June/July!
#amagenting #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
#QueryTip for #AmQuerying authors
Your query letter should have
Who is the MC?
What do they want? Goals
What stands in their way? Obstacles
What happens if they fail? Stakes
Also meta data- WC, genre, age group (if nec), comp titles, author bio
You got this! ❤️