Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
122 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

#querytip - if you email saying your "friend" said you should get in touch with a specific agent but don't say who your friend is, it's ... not actually a referral. And maybe I don't think your friend is real. #subtip Just be yourself, pals, it's enough.

Penny Moore
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @AevitasCreative .🇰🇷혼혈. Cat Mom. Opinions are my own. Here’s a resource if you need it:
126 MSWL
80 Tips

No two pub experiences are the same. It’s important to have author friends who give valuable insight, but there will be things specific to their own exp that won’t apply to yours. That’s OK. Unsure & nervous about something? Talk to your agent. It’s what we’re here for. #pubtip

BookEnds Literary Agency
Literary Agency
A literary agency repping bestselling, award-winning, & int'l published authors and illustrators for children & adults. Empowering creators to achieve dreams.
53 AskAgent
127 Tips

A Monday morning #QueryTip to get you motivated early. Make this your week #MondayMotivation.
We’ll answer any of your query questions in the comments all day today. Drop em if you have em! 👇…

Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
224 MSWL
3 AskAgent
29 Tips

#querytip For the love of god, don’t write your fiction query like a cover letter.

I see so many “let me introduce myself” queries with NO description about the book. The biggest thing an agent needs in a query is the description of the BOOK

Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
207 MSWL
448 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips

I've already requested three full manuscripts today (and the day's not over yet). Y'all are just so amazing! I can't help myself.
#Querytip #SlushInsight #WritingCommunity

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

I've changed a straight title to one more literary & vice versa; elevated a chapter title to the book title; cherry-picked a line from the ms; even took my then-4th grader's suggestion. Titles can come from anywhere.

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

Q: How important is the title when pitching to publishers?

A: Don't overlook the value of a great title You don't always need it but the right title can orient readers, stake your proposition on a crowded shelf & establish your voice.

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

Q: Why are there fewer books now with one-word titles like Quiet and Blink.

A: You want a SEO-friendly title for Google & Amazon, which is hard with one word. Better to find a title that gets your book as a top result.

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

Q: Will the publisher change the title of my book?

A: Sometimes. If you love the title you pitched, make sure your editor knows this. Ask upfront what the publishing team thought of it. You often can get mutual approval for the title in the contract.

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips
Shana Asaro
Editor at Harlequin's Love Inspired imprint and mom. I love my dog, monkeys, cupcakes, HGTV, Starbucks, Gilmore Girls and weather disaster plots.
55 Tips

Crazy villains are the least interesting to me. I like a smart villain with a devious plan that will help him/her reach their ultimate goal. #writingtips #pubtip

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

#Pubtip If you need more time (life happens), ask for an extension asap so the publisher can adjust the schedule. If you don't get more time, aim to turn in even a rough draft. You likely will have another pass after the editor reviews it.

BookEnds Literary Agency
Literary Agency
A literary agency repping bestselling, award-winning, & int'l published authors and illustrators for children & adults. Empowering creators to achieve dreams.
53 AskAgent
127 Tips
Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

#querytip Sometimes, there is nothing wrong w/your query or book.
Sometimes, it's just not a book I want to read. Look at a bookstore's genre-specific shelf: you might only decide on one out of 200 books to read. Others might be in your interest range, but just don't grab you.

Tara Gilbert
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @ktliterary | 🌈she/them | ✨magical | opinions my own | Gemini ☼ Pisces ☽ Capricorn ↑
245 MSWL
46 AskAgent
25 Tips

Some basic info on what I'm looking for on my query form.
Pitch: Once sentence, high concept, pitch.
Query: 2-3 paragraphs about your character/their goals, their world, stakes, and metadata/bio.
Synopsis: 1-2 page look at your whole book (spoilers included) #querytip

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips
Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
6 AskAgent
20 Tips

Second, my #MSWL says I'm looking for diverse Southern voices. I've gotten a few queries claiming to tell #ownvoices/diverse Southern stories... that are not. I thought this would go without saying, but don't coopt this if you are not a marginalized voice.

#querytip #amquerying

Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
6 AskAgent
20 Tips

I want to mention two things that are bumming me out lately:

First, I've had a big uptick in queries lately, & the MAJORITY of them are like 1-2 lines long. Total. This makes me want to pull out my hair. If you send me a 1-line query, I will reject it.

#querytip #amquerying

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
32 AskAgent
55 Tips

"You are the CEO of your book." I heard this on a podcast yesterday and it stood out to me. Meaning: you know your book best, you have the most at stake, you know the audience and you've got to 'take the reins.' just a #pubtip

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

If you receive an offer of rep (yay!), please send notice in a new email (without "query" in the subject line) 📚 #querytip