Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
A Monday morning #QueryTip to get you motivated early. Make this your week #MondayMotivation.
We’ll answer any of your query questions in the comments all day today. Drop em if you have em! 👇…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I've already requested three full manuscripts today (and the day's not over yet). Y'all are just so amazing! I can't help myself.
#Querytip #SlushInsight #WritingCommunity
Literary Agent
I've changed a straight title to one more literary & vice versa; elevated a chapter title to the book title; cherry-picked a line from the ms; even took my then-4th grader's suggestion. Titles can come from anywhere.
Literary Agent
Q: How important is the title when pitching to publishers?
A: Don't overlook the value of a great title You don't always need it but the right title can orient readers, stake your proposition on a crowded shelf & establish your voice.
Literary Agent
Q: Why are there fewer books now with one-word titles like Quiet and Blink.
A: You want a SEO-friendly title for Google & Amazon, which is hard with one word. Better to find a title that gets your book as a top result.
Literary Agent
Q: Will the publisher change the title of my book?
A: Sometimes. If you love the title you pitched, make sure your editor knows this. Ask upfront what the publishing team thought of it. You often can get mutual approval for the title in the contract.
Literary Agent
Lynn Johnston @lynnjohnstonlit
Yesterday I thought of a great title for my client's book project that sharpens the thesis & makes the whole project more marketable. The right title can do this! In honor of my brilliant brainstorm, here is a mini Q&A about book titles. #pubtipQ: Can my title be the same as another book's?
A: Short answer: yes. Titles are not copyrighted. But if the other book is well-known & in the same category, then I suggest you find an alternative.
Crazy villains are the least interesting to me. I like a smart villain with a devious plan that will help him/her reach their ultimate goal. #writingtips #pubtip
Literary Agent
#Pubtip If you need more time (life happens), ask for an extension asap so the publisher can adjust the schedule. If you don't get more time, aim to turn in even a rough draft. You likely will have another pass after the editor reviews it.
Literary Agency
What is an 'Option' in Book Contracts? via @YouTube #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Ryan Foland @ryanfoland
So, I'm at the airport & I go to the bar to wait for my flight.I meet a lady, we make small talk, I mentioned I was in town speaking. She kept asking questions, which led to me to mentioning my book.
I had one on me. She asked to see.
And she bought it.
How cool is that?!🙌
This cute story made me think of a #pubtip for authors. When & if your hardcover gets "remaindered" the publisher should give you notice & chance to buy highly discounted copies. Grab all you can afford to give as gifts & for future signings.
Literary Agent
Second, my #MSWL says I'm looking for diverse Southern voices. I've gotten a few queries claiming to tell #ownvoices/diverse Southern stories... that are not. I thought this would go without saying, but don't coopt this if you are not a marginalized voice.
#querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
I want to mention two things that are bumming me out lately:
First, I've had a big uptick in queries lately, & the MAJORITY of them are like 1-2 lines long. Total. This makes me want to pull out my hair. If you send me a 1-line query, I will reject it.
#querytip #amquerying