Literary Agent
Anna Sproul-Latimer @annasproul
Anyway the pub tip is this: if you, a nonfiction writer, are my husband, and your reader is butter churn lady, what do you really need to tell her before quantum leap or whatever takes you away again? You have 10 seconds to grab her by the shoulders. What does she need to know?Is your elevator pitch succinct and clear? Is it urgent and valuable enough that butter churn lady gonna pay attention? That is all.
Literary Agent
Anna Sproul-Latimer @annasproul
Your evening #pubtip is brought to you by something @matt_latimer once did when we were on a date in Colonial Williamsburg: pretend he was going to run up to every single colonial re-enactor and start screaming at them about the future.E.g.: "Butter churn lady! Yes, you! Butter churn lady!! Oh my God I'm from the future! Do you have a pen? I need to tell you things! 9/11! The Civil War! Oh my God write this down there's no time!"
Literary Agent
Hi! This is a #querytip to check your junk mail once in a while. I've sent a couple of full requests out, and it's been a few days with no response, which is fine! I just want to make sure people are not missing something. 😜 #amquerying
Literary Agent
I am open to queries! I am looking for shorter works of fiction, though, so be sure to check out my post on it.… #querytip #amwriting #A #PNR #UF
Literary Agent
I love, love it when authors reference my profile when they query me. It means so much to me that you all took the time to get to know me. Thank you! #amquerying #querytip
To help brighten up 2020, I'm open for submissions. But I'm looking for something a bit different than I have been in the past. Details here: #querytip #amwriting #writersroad
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
How Long Should My Book Be? (Word Counts!) via @YouTube #QueryTip #PubTip #WordCounts
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#writingcommunity I see a lot of query letters that struggle with comp titles. 0 comps is not an option (for me). Include more than 1, try very hard to include recent titles (last few years) and if you're stumped, get recs from others who've read your work. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Anne Tibbets @AnneTibbets
I'm trying to give you all the tools to put your best foot forward to get that agent, and then get that sale.If you don't want to build a website, fine. Don't. Keep scrolling.
But I'm telling you, it CAN hurt you if you don't have one.
It's just my 2 cents.
Take it or leave it.
Unless you're a household name/have long wikipedia page/extensive IMDB credits, you need a website if you'll be querying agents or publishers. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
WildMind Creative @WildMind_creatv
Querying? Agent @agentsaba talks about what makes a manuscript memorable, hybrid publishing & trends in the publishing industry. @TNIntern #queryingThis is an awesome interview, @agentsaba!!
Attention writing authors, feast your eye holes on this! 👇🏽 #querytip #pubtip #pocinpub
Literary Agent
WildMind Creative @WildMind_creatv
Querying? Agent @agentsaba talks about what makes a manuscript memorable, hybrid publishing & trends in the publishing industry. @TNIntern #queryingThis is an awesome interview, @agentsaba!!
Attention writing authors, feast your eye holes on this! 👇🏽 #querytip #pubtip #pocinpub
Literary Agent
Rachel Kramer Bussel @raquelita
Some #MondayMotivation for the #WritingCommunity: I asked literary agents @LindaRandom @epubagent and @GlamEditor_Girl about the most important #publishing contract terms (beyond finances), publisher red flags and what to ask an agent before signing:…Some good info here on what contract terms...beyond advances...are things agents watch out for in publishing contracts. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Anne Tibbets @AnneTibbets
Great article about literary agents and how they help clients avoid contract pitfalls - in Forbes >>>…Contract terms I see a lot now that are my pet peeves:
-Charging index fees against the advance instead of royalties
-Next book option tied to publication instead of D&A