Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#WritingCommunity! @BookEndsJessica took to YouTube to discuss a frequently asked question as of late: How Authors should be Querying in the Time of Covid-19 via @YouTube #QueryTip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
So... Apparently, this has to be said. I do NOT want any virus/pandemic manuscripts right now. Just. Don’t. #amagenting #pubtip #WritingCommunity #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kat Brzozowski @KatBrzozowski
An author asked this, and yes - we are still bringing books to acquisitions and making offers on books. Lots of them! The publishing world hasn't slowed down. We're all still going to need books. We're all still working. We have a lot of time to READ! :) :) Keep writing.Same. I'm sitting on great news about several clients that I can't share yet because #publishing. In the meantime, @FuseLiterary has signed 3 new authors in the last week alone. Keep writing, and keep submitting. #PubTip #DontGiveUp
Literary Agency
"There’s no official desired length for a novel synopsis. Agents and editors will prefer synopses of varying lengths, so it’s always best to have a couple on hand."
How to Write a Manuscript Synopsis (in 5 Steps) via @msmariavicente #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
The Truth About Query Backlash via @YouTube #QueryTip
Literary Agent
Writers, if a Q explains your work, and it's something I'm not interested in, or don't represent, I don't have to read any more to decide. This is why it's good to do your research on agents before you Q. #pubtip
Literary Agency
Today @BookEndsJessica took to YouTube to give her best Tips for Writing During Tough Times. via @YouTube #WriteTip #PubTip #QueryTip
Literary Agent
Here's a secret: sometimes I search for #mswl in my query box to see if someone mentions submitting to me because of a my wish list. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Nonfiction authors--please get in the habit of adding a good bio and platform to your query. Platform is critical in considering NF, including it matters. #querytip More on platform here:
Literary Agency
How to Fix Your Word Count via @YouTube #WriteTip #QueryTip