Literary Agent
🖤Ella🖤 @ESMcNeil
@precociouspenny Let’s say you get a (real) offer of rep, what is the etiquette when you inform other agents you’ve queried? Do you name the agent who offered rep? I was under the impression that you didn’t, so I’m confused by this. I thought you don’t say who until after it’s officialNope. It's perfectly normal for an agent considering your work to ask who the offering agent is. Publishing thrives off of competition. Though, sometimes writers streamline the process by naming the offering agents when they initially follow up with us. #QueryTip
Literary Agent
The most common opening I’m seeing in my submissions is a character waking up. Following that is the weather.
#FYI #querytip #SlushInsight
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
A note on the Delivery Dates Clause in your contract...
Delivery clause doesn't mean an author can't write/ sell other books. It means author can't write/ sell other books that would interfere with on-time delivery of contracted book.
Literary Agent
Querying is about selling your book. A part of that is the blurb & sample pages, but agents check out your social media too. If you post that you received ANOTHER rejection, will I want to request that project? #BestFootForward #amquerying #pubtip #ThingsToKeepOffSocialMedia
Literary Agent
Hey, all! Just a reminder that @CorvisieroLit will be closing to queries from Dec 1 through Jan 3! If you'd like to query me, please do so by Nov 30 or you will need to wait until I reopen. #amagenting #querytip #amquerying
Now that this bit of housekeeping is done...
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
REMINDER: @CorvisieroLit is closing to queries on Nov 30! After that, I'll be focusing strictly on reading submissions and tackling my Maybe list until Jan 3 ❤️ #amagenting #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Some #publishing advice: It is NOT a good idea to tell an imprint that publishes a specific genre that you deliberately ignored their guidelines & submitted something outside the realm of what they acquire because you believe in the "expansion" of their list. 😑#pubtip #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#querytip #amquerying Put the title of your manuscript in the the subject line of your query email. Makes it easier to find. Unless of course the agent or editor has other guideline specifics.