Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips

If you're pitching non fiction your proposal should be longer than 10 pages.

Much longer. #pubtip

BookEnds Literary Agency
Literary Agency
A literary agency repping bestselling, award-winning, & int'l published authors and illustrators for children & adults. Empowering creators to achieve dreams.
53 AskAgent
127 Tips
Alexandra Levick
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Media Rights Manager at Writers House, LLC. I believe in books. Always learning. Opinions are my own. She/Her.
52 AskAgent
25 Tips

🚨#querytip make sure to include your NAME and your TITLE! I find that roughly 1/30 queries is missing one or the other! I personally don't like to assume someone's name based only on their email handle and very much like to personalize my rejections. #amquerying #querytrenches

Laurel Symonds
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @ktliterary (closed to queries). I tweet about books and desserts in equal measure. My dog is the best office assistant ever. She/her
1 Tips

Want to grant me a holiday wish? Please use a reasonably-sized font for emailed query letters and sample pages! These poor eyes already deal with too much screen time; don't make me squint at 8pt font. #querytip

Anna Sproul-Latimer
Literary Agent
Founding Partner, Neon Literary. Get in, loser, we’re making it art.
95 Tips

Re the Nora Roberts title mess: authors, if you ever want to serve a publishing beef, bring it to your agent before Twitter, please. Less chance of embarrassing yourself; greater chance of satisfying sympathy rage and behind-the-scenes gossip. #pubtip

Dara Kaye
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @RossYoon . @smithcollege , @UCL , & @FulbrightPrgrm alum. Mom to a two-year-old chaos muppet.
11 Tips

Nichole ✨✨✨ @tnwhiskeywoman

Just learned about this situation and YIKES. To accuse a whole Nora Roberts... wow. This is why you check in with your agent before posting something like this. 😬😯

Today's #pubtip: You can't copyright a book title.

As a result, lots of books share the same titles.

Sometimes they're obvious, e.g., many romance novels called "Forbidden Love".

Sometimes weird, e.g., Mitchell's CLOUD ATLAS and Callanan's THE CLOUD ATLAS both pubbed in 2004

Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
13 AskAgent
298 Queries
525 Tips


Say you published 3 romance novels with Penguin Random House from 2015-2018

AND you self published 3 romance novels in those years.

You are a hybrid author and you have TWO publishers = PRH and YOU.


Caroline Eisenmann
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @GoldinAgency . ce (at) goldinlit (dot) com.
7 Tips

A #querytip: if you are earnestly a fan of an agent's author, that's a fantastic thing to include in a query. But it's pretty easy for us to tell when you're just picking random names off our client list to look like you've done your research.

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
194 MSWL
68 Tips
Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
194 MSWL
68 Tips
Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
194 MSWL
68 Tips

I’ll admit I request A LOT. I can’t help myself. So many great projects come my way, and I need to see if they’ll hook me to the point of obsession. That’s what it takes. I need to be so in love with the MS that I gush. #pubtip #amquerying #amagenting 1/3

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
LitAgent @FolioLiterary + @FolioJr - Full Adult + Kidlit wishlist on Pub Marketplace! ~ Author w/ S&S ~ I love dogs like it's my job ~ She/Her
631 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

Do not query before you have a) finished writing your book, b) revised your book, c) shown your query to someone unfamiliar with your work who can point out confusing bits. #querytip

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

New trend alert: Quotes before Ch. 1. (or before all queries)

I've seen this for four queries in a row now. Not sure how this become a common thing? #amquerying #amagenting #querytip

Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her
28 AskAgent
10 Tips

Writers, if you don't see your genre as an option to check when you're querying me, that means I don't rep that genre. Please don't check something "close" and think that will fool me into reading your ms. #querytip

Penny Moore
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @AevitasCreative .🇰🇷혼혈. Cat Mom. Opinions are my own. Here’s a resource if you need it:
126 MSWL
80 Tips

🖤Ella🖤 @ESMcNeil

@precociouspenny Let’s say you get a (real) offer of rep, what is the etiquette when you inform other agents you’ve queried? Do you name the agent who offered rep? I was under the impression that you didn’t, so I’m confused by this. I thought you don’t say who until after it’s official

Nope. It's perfectly normal for an agent considering your work to ask who the offering agent is. Publishing thrives off of competition. Though, sometimes writers streamline the process by naming the offering agents when they initially follow up with us. #QueryTip

Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
217 MSWL
448 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips

The most common opening I’m seeing in my submissions is a character waking up. Following that is the weather.
#FYI #querytip #SlushInsight

Penny Moore
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @AevitasCreative .🇰🇷혼혈. Cat Mom. Opinions are my own. Here’s a resource if you need it:
126 MSWL
80 Tips

Writers, this is your friendly reminder not to lie about offers of representation to agents. Publishing is a small business and agents talk. It’s the quickest way to get yourself no offers at all. #querytip

Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
13 AskAgent
298 Queries
525 Tips


A note on the Delivery Dates Clause in your contract...

Delivery clause doesn't mean an author can't write/ sell other books. It means author can't write/ sell other books that would interfere with on-time delivery of contracted book.


Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
194 MSWL
68 Tips

Querying is about selling your book. A part of that is the blurb & sample pages, but agents check out your social media too. If you post that you received ANOTHER rejection, will I want to request that project? #BestFootForward #amquerying #pubtip #ThingsToKeepOffSocialMedia

Kat Kerr
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at DMLA, writer, foodie, theatre nerd. ESTP. Horribly mundane person. All views my own. 💖💜💙🇰🇷QueryMe.Online/katkerr
6 AskAgent
10 Queries
23 Tips

Hey, all! Just a reminder that @CorvisieroLit will be closing to queries from Dec 1 through Jan 3! If you'd like to query me, please do so by Nov 30 or you will need to wait until I reopen. #amagenting #querytip #amquerying

Now that this bit of housekeeping is done...