☕Coffee Time With Kara☕ Five Query Essentials. #QueryTip #AmQuerying #AmWriting #EditorTip #AskanEditor #PubTip #GetPublished #ACFW #MondayBlogs
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Another #querytip from our slush pile this morning. Note the genre and market of your manuscript in your query letter. For instance Contemporary YA. Adult Fantasy.
Literary Agent
Going through queries this morning. #querytip Don’t take away from your story by sending query in italics. It’s so hard to read.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Hi writers, even if it’s been awhile, make sure to let all the agents you queried (or at least those who have requested your manuscript) if you have an offer of rep. Could lead to more! #querytip
Literary Agent
Lauren Spieller @ NCTE @laurenspieller
When you tell me your book is MG/YA, it sends the message that you haven't done enough research. Remember, your book can only sit on one shelf. So which one is it? #querytipSO TRUE! Also if you say your book is YA/Adult. #querytip
Literary Agent
#Writers! @CorvisieroLit will be closing to queries from Nov 30 to Jan 2! Be sure to get your queries in before you have to wait until the new year 😆 #amquerying #querytip #amwriting #amediting #amreading #amagenting
Literary Agency
Learn how to become THE recognized expert in your field--a necessity for #amwriting prescriptive #nonfiction. The Write Nonfiction NOW! Guide to Building #Author #Platform is now FREE on #Kindle:… #NaNonFiWriMo #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Susan, A Graham @Grahamophones
Loves, if you query a submissions inbox, please don't say you don't know the names of any agents at that agency. Literally you just have to go to the website, look at the bios, and pick somebody to address. It's such a small thing that goes such a long way. #querytip #subtipLiterary Agent
Literary Agent
#Querytip when you receive a rejection try to maintain a level of professionalism when writing a response (note: a response is not necessary). Insulting someone just shows that the agent made the right decision in rejecting you. #thinkfirst
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
If you accept an offer of representation, please email the other agents you queried to remove your manuscript from consideration. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Published Author #PubTip =
If your agent/ publisher has sold audiobook rights for you, that's GREAT!
Please please please please please promote the audiobook on your website including narrator and buy-links!!
@JaleighJohnson does it correctly here:…