Stephanie Stein


Harper Teen

Harper Kids

Senior Editor @HarperChildrens & @HarperTeen, she/her, 47% caffeine by volume. Opinions my own, and I do have a lot of them. 🌈

Stephanie Stein
Senior Editor @HarperChildrens & @HarperTeen , she/her, 47% caffeine by volume. Opinions my own, and I do have a lot of them. 🌈
213 MSWL
34 AskAgent

Hi, #MSWL Day! Agents, as many of you know, I'm acquiring a range of YA and MG (open to fiction, narrative nonfiction, and graphic novels), and I'm still looking for a lot of the things I've tweeted about on this hashtag in the past!…

Stephanie Stein
Senior Editor @HarperChildrens & @HarperTeen , she/her, 47% caffeine by volume. Opinions my own, and I do have a lot of them. 🌈
213 MSWL
34 AskAgent