Liz Sellers
Assistant Editor
Berkley Publishing
assistant editor @BerkleyPub / @BerkleyRomance cat mom x2, ex-trombone player, em dash enthusiast "can we stop by dunkin?" opinions are mine! | she/her
Assistant Editor
if any agents & publishing people are interested in connecting, let’s talk books!! ☺️📚 (or we could talk about my cats...)
Assistant Editor
mysteries: millennial cozy mysteries with unique younger settings, quirky characters, and the charm and sharp sleuthing that make cozies so much fun
Assistant Editor
historical fiction: female-led historical fiction from underrepresented and/or lesser explored times and/or places in history, especially stories from authentic voices
Assistant Editor
(i’d also like to see some genre blending romventures that combine romance/action and adventure/mystery/comedy. love pointing to DIAL A FOR AUNTIES; it’s so good)
Assistant Editor
romance: both contemporary and historical romcoms and millennial romance/women’s fiction; give me ALL the banter, chemistry, strong-willed MCs. i want to laugh AND cry!
Assistant Editor
Liz Sellers @lizsellerss
it’s in Pub Lunch and it’s official! ✨🎉’m so lucky to work with some truly incredible people, and with this happy news, I’ll be looking to acquire and expand my list! so I’m taking a page out of @angelakim_’s book and adding my #MSWL in a 🧵 here—