Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
Speilburg Literary Agency
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
Literary Agent
Adult Romance: High concept stories that are just shy of bonkers are always my jam. If you have to caveat an idea with “wait, but hear me out” it’s likely that I will be interested in seeing more. #mswl
Literary Agent
Adult Mystery: My tastes here are pretty specific. If you've listened to my old friend, @taylorswift13, say you have a story that would comp to “Vigilante Shit” or “no body, no crime” then you’re 100% in my wheelhouse. #mswl
Literary Agent
Adult Romance: Romance that sweeps me off my feet. Heroes who love hard and fast and true. I ADORE a good HE FALLS FIRST story. I also love it when HE TRIES TO SAVE HER BUT SHE SAVED HERSELF FIRST. #mswl
Literary Agent
On my eternal #mswl is a romcom (YA or Adult) where one of the MCs is a Type I diabetic.
This request brought to you by the fact that my new insurance requires prior authorization on the insulin that I’ve been using for over 20 years. So now I get to pay more to stay alive.
Literary Agent
Eva Scalzo 🇵🇷 @evascalzo
Hi #amquerying friends! I have officially fully re-opened to queries. I'll thread a couple of #mswl related tweets, but I'm so excited to see your projects in my inbox, which can be found at this handy link: QueryManager.com/evascalzo 1/Reminder: I represent Adult Romance and SFF and across all genres of Young Adult fiction. I do not represent literary fiction, poetry, screenplays, or nonfiction—not even narrative nonfiction or whatever autofiction is (something I've seen recently in queries). #mswl 2/
Literary Agent
I know summer is over (sob!) but I'm still looking for that summer vacation love story. It could take place at the beach or lake or in an exotic city, but I want something where there are real stakes involved with what happens when summer ends. (YA/Adult)
Literary Agent
I'd also love to see some #Caribbean/#Latinx post-Hurricane Irma/Maria stories, stories that tackle the issues head-on but in a hopeful way, with a romance or personal growth for the main characters. Also YA or Adult.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Also, authors, I’ve updated my #MSWL in advance of opening back up to queries in October. I have expanded my genres to include adult SFF and updated my submission guidelines. I’m including the link to make your research life easier. 😊
Literary Agent
5. It's April and it's still freezing in Upstate NY, so I want to see your #SummerLoving romances in both #YA and #Adult. Set at the beach, at the lake, in an exotic city, I want to see those stories that find two people struggling against what happens when summer ends. #MSWL