Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
Speilburg Literary Agency
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
Literary Agent
In mystery: My tastes here are pretty specific. To go back to my old friend, Taylor Swift, say you have a story that would comp to “Vigilante Shit” or “no body, no crime” then you’re 100% in my wheelhouse. #mswl
Literary Agent
Adult Mystery: My tastes here are pretty specific. If you've listened to my old friend, @taylorswift13, say you have a story that would comp to “Vigilante Shit” or “no body, no crime” then you’re 100% in my wheelhouse. #mswl
Literary Agent
4. A #YA #contemporary that is atmospheric a la RIVERDALE and blends mystery and romance in just the right way. I want to get the #creeps as well as #allthefeels. #MSWL